A Spring Day in December 早春12月
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On December 12, 2016, Greater Wasghington D. C / Baltimore region experienced record high temperature of 71°F. That is 25 degrees above average high for this date of 46°F. Examining the confused plants in my garden, amazed, I found blooming Cherry Flowers, budding Peace Lilies, Irises, and so on. It was such a mix of excitement and heart wrench to observe the awakening of life and beauty while fully aware their destiny. Penning down the heartache somehow came naturally in my native language albeit the lack of practice in decades. After all, the complex connotations, the prepossessing rhythm and the aesthetically pleasing characters are all so familiar and dear to my heart. Navigating between the two languages, I had more than often relied on Chinese for my most intimate feelings and thoughts. So here, just a few lines and a bit clunky. Like I always say, it will be better going forward.
冬日之春,似雾,似烟,去得无影,无痕,留得无悔,无怨。只求逆风如解意, 容易莫摧残。或枯枝败叶,或姹紫嫣红,一切随无缘。