God choose for His own purpose

王山夆-104352  01/18   4341  

Thoughts for the day:

God choose Isaac over Ishmael , chose Jacob over Esau . God chooses people according to his own purposes; he calls people, but not according to their good or bad works.

God choose you and me to be His children not because we are good. He chose us to be his light in the world.

Bible verses:

“This son was our ancestor Isaac. When he married Rebekah, she gave birth to twins. But before they were born, before they had done anything good or bad, she received a message from God. (This message shows that God chooses people according to his own purposes; he calls people, but not according to their good or bad works.) She was told, “Your older son will serve your younger son.” In the words of the Scriptures, “I loved Jacob, but I rejected Esau.””
‭‭Romans‬ ‭9:10-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬