
点点滴滴  01/17   5250  

Finally, 看了“老炮儿”。很久没看中文电影,我真的被震撼了!What strikes me the most is its magnitudes, depth,  and superb cinematography。The sprinting ostrich 和野冰湖上结尾让我泪奔。冯小刚 is a genius. He flawlessly crafted Mr. Six  - a seemingly unlikable ex-hoodlum who in real life would intimidate the hell out of me - the young me of course. This film ambitiously attempts to encompass decades of historical background while confronting juxtaposed issues in contemporary China: 官与民,富与贫,新与旧,父与子,东与西,and a world of shifting values. 仁者见仁,智者见智。To me, the story of Mr. Six and the new generation of "hoodlums" is all but a metaphor, through which I see a no longer familiar home city, the desperate attempt to preserve the fading traditional value, and mostly, the fierce struggle of commoners against the new rich and the powerful. 我看到更是市井民众对新权贵之抗争。当然,如果没有最后那一笔举报成功,这个电影是否能上映?Regardless,一切会变好。I remain to be hopeful.