Barry 号召:11/4日

Barry Chang  11/03   4960  

Dear Friends and supporters,

Please attend the County's meeting about Lehigh and attend our rally starting at 6 PM in front of Cupertino Community Hall. Please prepare and bring your own signs. Thank you very much.
Location: 1035 Torre Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014Date: November 4 (Wendesay), 2015Time: 6 PM Rally in front of Cupertino Community Hall 7 PM Attend meeting inside Cupertino Community Hall
The following are the reasons we are staging a rally:
Santa Clara County and Lehigh Santa Clara County has made numerous decisions that have benefited Lehigh at the expense of local residents and the environment. Situated in the hills west of Cupertino and Los Altos Hills, this German-owned industrial facility is part of District 5, which is represented by County Supervisor Joe Simitian.1. In 2010, the County Supervisors, against staff’s recommendation, granted Lehigh the ability to expand mining activities without applying for use permits that would place reasonable limits on future operations.2. In 2012, Santa Clara County approved Lehigh’s Reclamation Plan in violation of the Clean Water Act.3. Santa Clara County allowed Lehigh to be out of compliance with its Reclamation Plan for more than 10 years.4. In 2006, after Santa Clara County issued Lehigh a violation for illegally dumping mining waste, the County went behind closed doors, and reached an agreement that allowed Lehigh to continue the illegal dumping. 5. In 2006, the State of California described Santa Clara County as unwilling or unable to enforce state mining laws or SMARA. [State Mining and Geology Board Executive Officer’s Report 9/14/2006].6. In 2012, County Supervisors gave away a historic public road to Lehigh. 7. In advance of his reelection in 2016, County Supervisor Joe Simitian accepted a large donation from the Lehigh PAC. ( In October 2015, Santa Clara County refused to log noise complaints from citizens against Lehigh.Why we careLehigh plans to operate its existing cement plant and quarry for at least the next 15 to 20 years. The region must be assured that Santa Clara County takes its oversight role seriously to protect public health and safety. As the largest single source polluter in Santa Clara County, Lehigh should conform with all land, air, water and noise regulations. Community demands1.Hold quarterly oversight meetings to report progress with opportunities for public input. 2. Support new cement plant standards that would significantly reduce plant emissions.3. Enact new, more effective noise control measures. 4. Revoke sweeping grant of vested rights (exemptions from modern land use laws) due to air, water, land and noise issues.