双语诗歌【熬过一场疼痛】【藏起一片黑】 作者:陈华 by 彼岸
彼岸诗歌-2357 10/28 16220
又一次山河的 破碎
装海洋, 装
现在 甚至承受不起 一粒米的沉重
我 又熬过了一场疼痛
But lost so much courage
Every physical war inside
Let him experiencing
A breakdown of the world
As if the fracturing sounds of bones
Drop into an invisible and profoundness of dark night
Once it holds the world,
Holds the sea, and holds
Hundred thousands of words, the tummy
However, could not even take the weight from a single grain of rice
His face covers many truths
As if he wore different facial masks of Chuan Opera
You could not see his forehead
Carrying the bean size of sweat
And the inches by inches of tearing and biting crawled
Within his body
When last smiling face appears
He proudly announces to the world
I tolerate another painful suffering
(Translated by Tongxin, Jenny Jiang)
我深沉 挽不住一阵风
夜深沉 留不住一个醒
夜的黑 是我藏起来的那些黑
静坐 对立
我们谈飞灰 也谈湮灭
【Hide a piece of darkness】
by Chenhua
All dreams are only one kind of dreams.
Walking out of a story
My face is still warming a foggy rain.
My silence can't let a wind stay
As a silent night can't keep a waking moment
The darkness of night is the darkness I've hidden
It is another piece of darkness pulling out of my body
Sitting in silence, face to face,
We talk about the vanishing ashes in fire, and talk about the disappearance of smoke
In this piece of darkness
It's like the old memory that you never want to drop
It's like the lovesickness which I would never ever stop
Lighting a cigarette
In this full darkness
I am always
By the looming light
(Translated by Tongxin, Jenny Jiang)
Mr. Hua Chen, a poet was born in 1970’s. He is a member of The Poetry Institute of China, a member of Jinan City Writers' Association, a member of the Association of Shandong Province Youth Writers, a member Of Shandong Prose Society and also a member of Jinan Photographer's Association. His works were published in many newspapers and journals. He is the winner of a myriad of literary and poetry awards, he won the 1st place in Huaxia Love Poem 2011 poetry competition. His poetry works from the year of 2011 obtained Honorary Gold Award from Country Poetry Competition, and he was named as one of the 90 outstanding poets at the 90-year anniversary celebration event for P.R. communist party. He also won the 1st place in the Competition of National Documentary Poem and Prose in 2011 and the 1st place in ER AN cup of National Poetry Competition in 2012. He thinks “Poetry is a part of life, and is also our lives”.
(Translated by Tongxin, Jenny Jiang)
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