Lindy Li 政见收集
一朵浪花-2543 10/14 62572.0/3
首先,我不是被Lindy Li授权发布。 我自己也很希望知道更多,也知道很多朋友 愿意支持,支持前,希望知道Lindy Li的政见。
我自己各处找找,放在一起。 可能不准确,请告之,我立即纠正。
Http:// 大家可以到这里看很多信息。
" 主要支持复兴中产阶级,减轻中产阶级负担,提高政府效率,加强教育,让每个人都在同一起跑线上, 而不是硬性规定终点的比例,环境保护。" -- 在平权群由助选义工发布
10/4日在union city 选民见面会上, Lindy Li被问到AB1266法案。当听到"使公立学校里部分男生可以任意进出女生厕所",林迪立即回答: "ridiculous, absurd。"
Dear friend,
Lack of income growth, the meteroic rise of education and health care costs, and discrimination in college admissions and in the workplace — Thomas Paine could very well have been describing our own era when he said that “these are the times that try men’s souls.”
But I firmly believe that Americans can rise to the challenge.
Refusing to wait on the sidelines for someone else to fix these issues, I’m not afraid to say the things that fossil politicians are too frightened to say …. that we need meaningful gun control legislation and that we need to do something about the fact that there are only 3 Chinese-Americans among the 435-member Congress and none in the Senate. Chinese-Americans don’t vote enough, run for office enough, or support our candidates enough. Let’s change that today. Politics touches every aspect of our life. We can’t be passive about this anymore. Other minorities have already discovered the power of public policy when it comes to improving everyday lives.
American is still my city upon the hill, a land fertile with dreamers, thinkers, and doers. If you were to distill my campaign down to just a few words, it would be to keep the American promise alive, that if you work hard, you can not only get by but also get ahead. After all, only in our great nation can the granddaughter of farmers who were never able to go to school even fathom running for Congress. Let us make Congress the great legislative body it was designed to be.
In order to devote my life to these issues, I need you. With you by my side, anything is possible. Could you please spare $20 and share this historic journey with me? Please make a gift here:
Our victory will bring the brilliant dreams of your children so much closer to reality and elevate our entire Chinese-American community on the national stage.
Please stand with me.
Your friend,
"I think it's kind of wonderful how I've slipped into this new role of meeting people and hearing their concerns. I love that part. It underscored how much reform is needed. I should not spend so much time fundraising. I should be on the ground hearing people’s stories, hearing their pain, their joys, what works in their communities, and what doesn’t. And I look forward to more of those moments. That’s when I’m happy. Not when I’m at a desk, reaching out to donors. "
10/14 From Lindy Li :
" So many gifts from California are pouring in tonight... A huge warm thanks to those who made a gift! ❤️ I'm having lunch with ex-President Bill Clinton tomorrow and am excited to tell him about our amazing progress. Was also endorsed by the former Governor of New York tonight at a fundraiser Congresswoman Grace Meng hosted for me and three other candidates. So much momentum and it's all because of you!!"