Rent Control and Just Cause Evictions to be Considered San Mateo City Council will hold a city council meeting THIS MONDAY to discuss housing issues and explore solutions to housing affordability including rent control and just cause evict......

郭崇亮-102142  09/20   7753  

Rent Control and Just Cause Evictions to be Considered
San Mateo City Council will hold a city council meeting THIS MONDAY to discuss housing issues and explore solutions to housing affordability including rent control and just cause eviction.
Rent control discussions distract from the real housing issues facing the region and CAA Tri-County urges you to attend this meeting, speak out against rent control, and let the City Council know that you are willing to be a part of the solution through the use of collaborative and voluntary measures.
The City Council needs to hear from YOU that
·       The City Council should be willing to work with rental property owners to develop programs and incentives to help to residents.
·       The City Council should focus on creating more housing opportunities in San Mateo - NOT rent control.
·       Rent Control is the wrong approach.  It has not worked in any city it was ever adopted in.
·       Rent Control does nothing to address the housing shortage; it will not make housing less expensive.
·       Rent Control will discourage rental property owners from maintaining their properties.
Attend the City Council Meeting
The San Mateo City Council will be meeting on Monday, September 21 at 7:00 p.m. at San Mateo City Hall, Council Chambers, 330 W. 20th Avenue, San Mateo.  It is important that you are in attendance and speak against harmful regulations. Please be sure to fill out and submit a speaker card when you arrive to ensure your speaking opportunity.

Contact the Mayor & Council
If you cannot attend the meeting, please send an e-mail to the San Mateo City Council asking them to not punish rental property owners to solve the city's housing shortage. A sample e-mail is below:
Mayor Maureen Freschet - 650.522.7522 ext. 6268 -
Deputy Mayor Jack Matthews - 650.522.7522 etx. 6266 -
Council Member Rick Bonilla - 650.522.7522 etx. 6263 -
Council Member Joe Goethals - 650.522.7522 etx. 6264 -
Council Member David Lim - 650.522.7522 ext. 6267 -