住房政策改良会 好义工梁生发给三藩市市府监事的信件

郭崇亮-102142  09/19   6551  

Here is Mr. Leung's email to the supervisors and to Jeff Buckley:

Supervisor Kim doesn't know about the problems of property owners in San Francisco. Kim is extremely on tenants' side when property owner rent his/her property to bad tenants. Bad tenants make so many problems, like destroy the property, turn on the water whole day long, don't pay the rent and the utility, the water and P G & E. Bad tenants make landlord  evict  them, they can get free lawyer from the city. But property owner has to pay $500 per hour. Some property owners need to pay $160 per hour for their translator too. These cases usually settle out of court. Because property owner can't take this case longer, and no more money to pay his lawyer.  Bad tenants can get $25,000 to 100,000 or more from property owner to move out. After that the property owner stop to put his/her property in rental market. As a result, the rent goes too high. These bad tenants will do the same to next property owner.

 Some small property owners get bankrupt by bad tenants, because they don't have money for their lawyer . They only can sell their house , In San Francisco, the laws are more than enough protecting tenants . But no laws to help property owners to fight against bad tenants. Now supervisor Kim is making a law to protect bad tenants. If anti-eviction 2.0 pass, sooner or later , some property owners will jump into Golden Gate Bridge.

 Please do not pass anti-eviction 2.0.