
Maggie Tian-911  04/03   5105  

Thank you Maggie, please forward to Shichang

Dear Shichang,

I agree with you 100% the National GOP is ultra conservatives, the media always like the “high light” and not all Republican agree with tea party and not all tea party member are Republican. We are in CA ”one Sate at a time”.

Since, I am woman, especially work at medical field for over 30 years, with experience as an RN and Midwife, traveled, lived and worked in four continents, and has been through a few wars in the Middle East. I am a pro-choose, vote on legalization for Marijuana, and guy marriage but the proposition did not passed in California for guy right not due to the Republican (only 23% of R in the State) was the social ultra conservatives Democrat (45% in CA).

Our Northern Bay Area Regional Chair Kevin Krick had interview by KGO and announce our N. Regional GOP support guy right. CA GOP vice chair is a minority woman, our Santa Clara central committee member has Asian/Asian woman/guy for over 20 year, we are moderate, tolerate and focus on fiscal responsibility. Log Cabin is part of our GOP organization (Guy and Republican).
By the way Bill Clinton borrow his play book from the Republican Congress in 1990 not the Democrat, in 1990 Republican party has the house majority. Leading by Congressman Tom Campbell passed the budget balance and welfare reform but the budget balance did not passed at the US Senator level and Clinton borrow the play book without Senator approved and successfully moved the Democrats toward the center. Not easy to be a R.

Congressman Christopher Cox sponsor a bill to support Asian to run for office with SB Wu, since I had a fire last year I loss most of my computer file cannot forward to anyone.

One party rules; corruption. Three Senator Ronald Galderon, Roderick Wright. Leland Yee within 6 week charge with fraud, corruption, felony still on the payroll at $95 K per year; Law of the State? Balance is always the key between the two party.

Open primary passed again in 2012 due to Senator Abel Maldonado “R” again. (Leading by Senator Becky Morgan; passed in 1992 by the CA voter was declined by the court), reason for the open primary it to VOTE for the PERSON not the person select by the party.

Thank you for your input. We are welcome you to show up to our SVGOP meeting 2nd wed of each month at 70 Hedding San Jose or Lincoln Club GOP outreach to APA.


From: TianMaggie [mailto:maggietianchina@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:58 PM
To: Helen
Subject: Re: GOP Bay Area

Dear Helen,

See below conversations. Will you take these suggestions seriously?
And what your solution?

Dear Shichang,

You truly concern and care of the future of Californians! I appreciate your sincerity and objectivity.

Your concerns are typical. I concern the same. Getting close to the GOP is a strategy in dealing with SCA-5 and the super majority Demo government. It doesn't mean that the GOP will be ideal in the short-run. At least my own experience proved that the GOP party now is willing to listen to a Chinese Grassroots’ voice, while the Deco has never listened, and will never listen to my voice! The GOP is much humble than it was in before, and is much friendly to Chinese than the Deco! This is also true for NOW.

People cannot see others with glasses- this is my maxim. Giving the GOP an opportunity to correct their wrong doings means giving Chinese people an opportunity to rally the other minorities to anti-majority. It's amazing!

Please attend the GOP parties and meet their candidates with me together. I need you!!

Otherwise, I'll make all Chinese people lose their faces... and I'll also make those Whites laugh at me and somebody else...

Have a good night,

-Maggie Tian

I have forwarded your message to Mei Mei Huff, Helen Wang, and the centr GOP committee meeting.

I'll also stress these concerns when meeting their leaders in person. I am a very strong person.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2014, at 11:03 PM, Shichang wrote:

Hi Maggie,

Since you're well connected with the California GOP leadership now, I hope you can convey the following suggestions from me:

The national GOP has been hijacked by ultra-conservatives since the 90s and more recently the radical Tea Party, and it has become a party of anti-environment, anti-women (against abortion right and against equal work - equal pay), anti gun-control, anti-gay, and on and on (this is not simply a perception issue. They have repeatedly demonstrated that through their votes).

The California GOP should become more independent from the national GOP by becoming more moderate and moving to the center on the social issues, while maintaining fiscal responsibility. They should borrow a page from Bill Clinton's play book. As you may remember, Clinton masterfully stole many of GOP's agenda in the 1990s such as welfare reform and successfully moved the Democrats more toward the center.

Being in a left-leaning state, the GOP cannot run to the far right like the national GOP if they ever want to govern CA again. By moderating to the center while maintaining fiscal responsibility, they can attract a lot of moderate-minded Asian voters and mainstream voters. I'm a scientist working in a company with 70 employees who are mostly scientists. Not surprisingly, there's just one single professed Republican voter among our scientists. GOP can win the support of the well-educated voters only if they become a more moderate party. If they do, they will become a beacon to the the GOP in the rest of the country.

I'll vote for California GOP due to SCA5 and to prevent the super-majority of the Democrats. But nationally, sorry GOP. Way too conservative, too intolerant, and too anti-science.

On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 10:37 PM, TianMaggie wrote:


Dear John,

Helen hasn't responded so far. Here is what I heard over the phone call. Please let me know if you agree/disagree with these. I am learning and open to any opinions-

Actually the GOP's value is pretty close to the Chinese people, for example GOP values the equality, fairness and fair competition. Pete Wilson passed the Prop. 209 when he was the Gov. of CA.

Also, GOP is very conservative and careful in making new laws. Yet because of its minority position in CA, GOP has been crowded out by the media that their voice is hardly to be heard by the public, which is similar to the Chinese people's minority position in the society.

People became isolated from GOP and they tend to hold some sorts of misleading images about the GOP which was created by the other party purposefully.

It's normal in all competitive games. It's true that when you are a minority, you will lose all resources. The GOP's overall situation is similar to Asians' position in American society.

We should show our friendship and closeness to the GOP because the majority Demo doesn't care of us at all.

Have a good evening,

-Maggie Tian

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2014, at 9:51 AM, john wrote:

Thanks Maggie for your immediate response.


From: TianMaggie
To: "john_z_wu@yahoo.com"
Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: why 共和党的很多政治理念跟老中的价值观是满吻合的

Hi John,

Thank you for the inquiry. I will forward your message to Helen Wang, who has been a political for more than 20 years. She will give you a good answer.

This is also one question I'd asked her.


-Maggie Tian

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2014, at 9:23 AM John wrote:

Hi Patrick, thanks for sharing this information.

Maggie, could you have a summary for your conversation with Helen so people could understand why 共和党的很多政治理念跟老中的价值观是满吻合的. It will be helpful.