不要对自己说,“我的力量和我自己的身手给我带来了这个财富”   申命记 8:17

伟清- 房地产+贷款-3300  07/01   6226  

Do Not Say To yourself, "My Power And The Might Of My Own Hand Have Gotten Me This Wealth." Deuteronomy 8:17 

From 《Forward Day By Day》

Rogation Day, Tuesday, May 12,2015, by Forward Movement

The play field is never level. Some people have a loving upbringing, attend good schools, find work that is pleasing and profitable, marry the right person, and enjoy good health. Some nations are rich in resources, geographically secure, and enjoy a functioning government and healthy economy.

I am a person who's had it pretty easy, and America is a country that's had it pretty easy. Virtually all my blessings and those of my country result from things given to us. The self-made man is a spiritually dangerous myth, as is the myth of self-made country. We depend on those who came before us and on things not of our making and outside our influence. We are blessed, and God calls all the blessed--individuals, churches, businesses, governments--to serve as divine agents in the world.

What does a divine agent do? The first thing is to give. The second thing is to give, and so is the third. That's what God does, and God gives to the blessed the opportunity to bless others by sharing in this giving. That's how we say "Thank you."

(译文)比赛场地从来就不是平的。有些人有慈爱的教养,上好的学校,找到顺心赢利的工作,和合适的对象结婚,享有康健的体质。有些国度资源丰富,地理位置安全, 享受运作有效的政府和健康的经济。

我所有的是得来容易的,美国是个得来容易的国家。实质上,所有我和我的国家的福运都起源于赠送给我们的事物。自我做成的人, 这在精神上是一个危险的迷信;自我创成的国家,这也是同样危险的迷信。我们是靠着我们的先辈,而不是靠着我们的作为、我们的影响。我们是得到祝福的。神召唤所有受到祝福的--个人、教会、商企、政体--在世界担当神的使者。
