Comment on Jeff Yang' CNN opinion
SVCA-1029 06/09 77374.0/1
My comments to:
There's two kinds of racists. One kind of racists thinks their own races are superior to other races. The other thinks their own races are inferior to other races. In any kind, the truth is the same: racists use superficial skin colors as determinative factors to judge inherent individual human quality.
The author of this article, Jeff Yang, apparently falls into the more twisted 2nd kind of racists. With his own yellow skin, he thinks yellow-skined Asian people are not creative. Asian parents can only treat their beloved children as robots. While other races are entitled to wisely pursue equal education opportunities, he thinks Asian Americans should not because their civil rights movements (complaint against discriminatory admission policy used by Harvard and othet ivy universities) cannot have merits.
I suggest Jeff Yang to have faith in his own race, as much as his faith in other superior races he believes. Keep open-minded, really spend time on reading the complaint by Asian American Coalition as if the complaint was filed by White, Black, or other races he holds to be more be creative.
As a volunteer to this movement myself, I can offer you my own perspective why using races to balance diversity in college is racism. Diversity is defined by the collection of different life experiences, thinking models, approaches to problems, and fresh perspectives within a group of people, not defined by the superficial differences in skin colors. Improving education diversity is to improve different thinking methods and problem solving skills for students so they can be better prepared for life challenges later on, not to increase the number of different skin colors.
Using skin colors to decide diversity is racial discrimination since the assumption is that people of the same color cannot have diverse qualities.