华人扶轮社 本周 会议 更动通知
user2995-2995 03/09 105055.0/1
请注意华人扶轮社本周会议安排有所更动, 本周四无例行开会
Please note there is no regular meeting this Thursday for Huaren Rotary Club.
(See http://goo.gl/DtPB1e for club calendar)
本社於周三受邀参加佛利蒙扶轮社会议, 会议内容请见附上的剪报
In the meantime, all our members are invited to the meeting of Rotary Club of Fremont this week.
Date:Wednesday, March 11st, 2015
Time:12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
45915 Warm Springs Blvd., Fremont. Spin-A-Yarn Restaurant.
Board of Directors,