【New Year's Resolution】

轻歌曼舞-1202  02/19   3897  

Dear all,

Happy new year of sheep! 

Haven't you all realized that we're involved in a cause and are influencing how family-women and professionals in Silicon Valley view themselves and live a healthy, positive and fulfilled lifestyle? 

As many of you realize, before we are able to present ourselves gracefully, we have to take some time to work to learn basic skills and to perfect our technique. This work not only includes warming-up the body, unwinding our mind, smoothing our breathe, stretching limbs/waist, strengthening our calf muscles, but also developing our body awareness and exploring our inner energy/spirit. With each day's improvement, will come enjoyment and reward. Trust me, you will be a more elegant lady in months as long as you keep up with the work and pay attention to and digest what we are doing. 

Are you ready join our fun on a weekly basis and start to transform yourself as the new year resolution?

Feng Ya Song Cultural Group