1. O编辑总结:华人那些事儿(3)由鲁恭案看最高法院判决华人在种族隔离时期属性

Oskarlre-1300  01/10   8165  


-- 宪法固重要 解释更关键 若得好借口 二者皆可抛

原作者: 方鲲鹏, Oskarlre, 给予部分编辑整理。


那么事实上是如何呢? 华人在法律上真的和白人在种族隔离时期享受一样待遇么? 


那就是1927 的鲁恭诉赖斯案(Gong Lum v. Rice)

最高法院通过普莱西案宣布种族隔离没有违反宪法31年之后,在宣判另一件案子时再次重申种族隔离合法,这就是1927 的鲁恭诉赖斯案(Gong Lum v. Rice)。美国的民权史文献对这个案子着墨不多,不过华人却应该对此案感兴趣,因为起诉一方是华裔,而美国最高法院需要解答的问题也和华人密切相关:


玛莎•鲁(Martha Lum)是出生于美国的中国血统美国公民,住在密西西比州的玻利瓦尔县。1924年玛莎申请就读住宅所在学区的一所公立学校,校名为卢瑟戴尔合并高中(Rosedale Consolidated High School)。这种称为合并高中的学校,想来是高中、初中和小学合并在一起的学校,因为玛莎那年只有9岁,不可能就读高中。录取过程很顺利,但开学第一天中午休息时,校长过来通知玛莎,不准她第二天再来学校。接着玛莎家收到学校理事会的正式通知,玛莎被禁止在这个学校就读,唯一的理由为玛莎是中国人后裔,而卢瑟戴尔合并高中是根据州种族隔离法律设立的白人学校。通知并且说明,作出这个决定是根据密西西比州教育厅主管的指示。

 玛莎的父亲鲁恭(Gong Lum)是美国公民,在当地经营一家中国杂货店,经济状况相当不错,至少够得上小康。学区公立学校的经费部分来自学区居民交纳的税,鲁恭是个安分守己的纳税人,因此鲁恭通过缴税也资助了卢瑟戴尔合并高中,但是他的孩子却不能就近在这个学校读书,而本学区没有黑人学校,得分配到很远的外区黑人学校,那里教育质量和学校设施都远劣于卢瑟戴尔合并高中。鲁恭作为玛莎的家长,代表玛莎把学校理事会和密西西比州教育厅主管告进了法院。





判决意见书由首席大法官威廉•塔夫脱 (William H. Taft) 亲自撰写,大意是:1896年普莱西案已判决种族隔离没有违反宪法修正案第14条,我们(最高法院大法官们)重申那个判决仍然有效。因此,现在的这个案子就可以简化为只有一个新问题,即“华人是白种人还是有色人种?”我们一致判决华人后代是有色人种,玛莎只能就读于为有色人种专设的学校。


“The case then reduces itself to the question whether a state can be said to afford to a child of Chinese ancestry born in this country, and a citizen of the United States, equal protection of the laws by giving her the opportunity for a common school education in a school which receives only colored children of the brown, yellow or black races.”

The question here is whether a Chinese citizen of the United States is denied equal protection of the laws when he is classed among the colored races and furnished facilities for education equal to that offered to all, whether white, brown, yellow or black. Were this a new question, it would call for very full argument and consideration, but we think that it is the same question which has been many times decided to be within the constitutional power of the state legislature to settle without intervention of the federal courts under the Federal Constitution...

Most of the cases cited arose, it is true, over the establishment of separate schools as between white pupils and black pupils, but we can not think that the question is any different or that any different result can be reached, assuming the cases above cited to be rightly decided, where the issue is as between white pupils and the pupils of the yellow races. The decision is within the discretion of the state in regulating its public schools and does not conflict with the Fourteenth Amendment. The judgment of the Supreme Court of Mississippi isAffirmed.”



鲁恭的白人律师伊尔•布鲁尔(Earl Brewer)在法庭上的主要论据:“‘有色人种’只被用来描述一个种族,那就是‘黑人’,而玛莎•鲁是个土生土长的具有纯华人血统的美国人,她的身上没有一滴黑人的血。”


而最高法院的判决则清楚的表明:无论华人如何以经济地位歧视其他有色人种,在白人至上言论下也逃不出有色人种的归类。而“有色人种”的发明,就像鲁恭的律师布鲁尔所指出,是用来代指劣等民族的。鲁恭用“身上没有一滴黑人的血”来挑战白人,当然不会有同盟者,既得不到白人的支持,也没有黑人的声援。 其在白人区辛苦纳税的结果,仍然是孩子必须去有色人种区上课。

至于黄同学说“但是绝大多数的州种族隔离时代华人是分到白人区的,我的亲戚在种族隔离时期都是上白人学校的。” 这个很难让人相信。因为根据08年的NEA 报告来看,这一判决明显阻止了包括拉丁裔及几乎所有亚裔的入学,直到1954年的Brown V. Board 才结束。

“This precedent affecting API students, as well a string of other cases preventing Black, Hispanic, and other racial and ethnic minorities from attending integrated schools, would not be struck down until the Brown v. Board case in 1954."



从这里可以看出:”Chinese rights to attend a white school were determined on a county by county basis. While my family attended a white school, my sister's husband was not allowed in the county he lived in, and he had to travel 40 miles to another county (to attend school).“

但是也可以看出,这种允许也仅是小范围的个例:”So the first integration of Chinese in (a) white school in Warren County was allowed because a bus driver was passive enough not to get involved, or wasn't "redneck" enough to say "No way they getting on my bus!!!,”

