冲刺初选,Barry冒酷暑在Campbell一天扫街7.5小时实录 (二)
quanhe-984 05/27 9535
编者按:此系列小文记录Barry Chang,于5月26日,memorial day, 亲自走进Campbell地区,走街串巷,于酷暑高温下,一家一家拜票的事项。此文为第二篇。Barry 相信天道酬勤,一直在苦干实干。我等也希望天道能酬勤,让Barry能在即将来临的6月3号的选举中胜出。Barry, 加油!
大家辛苦了。 剛剛吃過sandwich. 準備再上陣, 掃街拜票 去耶。
Barry Chang 2:38 PM
What a nice street for precinct walk!![](http://i.imgur.com/lmLRain.jpg)
Barry Chang 2:39 PM
Precinct walkers Tim Brand and John Bartas. They are walking precincts for me today in Campbell too.
Barry Chang 2:57 PM
An Yes from a Democrat!
Barry Chang 3:03 PM
Two more Votes from Democrats in Campbell!
Two more Votes from Democrats in Campbell!
Barry Chang 3:12 PM
An Independent vote from Campbell. Today, I have not run into any "No" vote, nor heard any Campbell voter told me that he/she voted for EL. I am very pleasantly surprised. EL's yard sign is on the street. Yet, no Campbell voters is voting for EL. Interesting, interesting!'
An Independent vote from Campbell. Today, I have not run into any "No" vote, nor heard any Campbell voter told me that he/she voted for EL. I am very pleasantly surprised. EL's yard sign is on the street. Yet, no Campbell voters is voting for EL. Interesting, interesting!'
Barry Chang 3:19 PM
One democrat and one independent said they voted, but, don't remember who they voted for. How low EL's name recognition can go in Campbell?
One democrat and one independent said they voted, but, don't remember who they voted for. How low EL's name recognition can go in Campbell?
Barry Chang 3:24 PM
Weather is really hot outside. I am taking a 5 minutes water break.
Weather is really hot outside. I am taking a 5 minutes water break.
(待续。。。敬请观注三,看Barry到底拿到多少票 ^_^ )
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P.O.Box 2523
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Barry Chang for Assembly 2014
Mail the check to:
P.O.Box 2523
Cupertino, CA 95015-2523