
欣欣教育基金會  11/21   57800  


           2014 Appreciation and Fundraising Event

Saturday, December 13, 2014

1:00 – 4:00 PM

Cupertino Quinlqn Community Center

(10185 N Stelling Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014)

欣欣教育基金會誠摯地邀請您參加十二月十三日下午於Cupertino Quinlan Community Center 舉辦的“欣欣化雨”感恩籌款年會。


欣欣教育基金會的全體義工真誠地邀請各位好朋友 來參與今年的“欣欣化雨”感恩籌款年會,檢視我們在2014年取得的成果以及对2015年的展望。“愛心化春雨,潤物細無聲”,正是因為有了許許多多像您這樣的朋友的愛心和支持,才使得欣欣教育基金會幫助了這麼多偏遠貧困地區的孩子們受到良好的教育。讓我們一起攜手,繼續用關懷和愛心滋潤孩子們的心靈,讓他們茁壯成長!

理事長   臧大化
会   長   丁永庆

Shin Shin Educational Foundation is pleased to invite you to our annual appreciation and fundraising event on Saturday, December 13, 2014 at Cupertino's Quinlan Community Center.

The Foundation was established in 1997 to address the disparity in the quality of education between rural and urban areas in China. To date, we have rebuilt 338 schools and improved their facilities throughout rural China.  We are also committed to a number of educational initiatives, including teacher and principal training, eLearning programs, library programs, and much more.

We look forward to your attendance at this event. You will be updated on Shin Shin’s 2014 accomplishments and our outlook for 2015. Like a gentle spring rain, your passion and continuous support nurtures the seedlings and helps them to grow and blossom. Together, we can make a difference!

Chairman   David Tsang
President   Steve Ting

已有18 人响应:
18.  顾
17.  Qin
16.  Wang
15.  XU
14.  Ge
13.  Gu
12.  yuan
11.  Lin
10.  peng
9.  Liu
8.  Yang
7.  zhang
6.  Ma
5.  yuan
4.  wang
3.  白
2.  曹
1.  Kao