
李春燕  11/09   56044  

ABC俱乐部定于12月7日在Millburn, NJ图书馆办一次public event,学生们不但将以新颖的形式推销自己,还要采访在场的家长以便更了解各种职业。这是一个增进一二代沟通,提高各自表达能力的机会。小学生虽无法参与游戏,但可以现场观摩、互动。适合6到9年级学生 。注:此次活动注册已经结束,无法参与游戏的到场学生可以介绍自己将来喜欢从事的职业。


Game Night report
Arnold Jia

On Nov 7th, sixteen students from grades 6 to 9 played a game that promotes self advocacy and fast response. 

1. Chris Sun first presented the All Students Count Photo Campaign. Interested students should consult their parents before submitting photos. 

2. Students enjoyed playing the game and practiced public speaking skills. Much planning went into preparing the sequence prior to the game. It was a successful execution of the plan and we fine tuned logistics to make the process smoother. 

3. Students interviewed parents about various careers then presented their findings.

4. Through the interviews and discussions, all participants modified the list for future games.

5. Registration for the public event in December will follow soon. 

“昨晚的game is a good one. The topic is good too - something they need to think about at some point. ”
“这样的活动也 touch (hopefully help)不少有关华裔小孩的问题。我们在美公司"打工"多年。我们也明白我们缺啥。我们的小孩也会suffer同样的glass celling。韩裔写的亚裔是纸老虎的文章更一针见血。是我们有努力的方向。这个game的方式and topic 就不错。”
“儿子说有个孩子是理发师,只好放弃,但那孩子好幽默,“临刑”前还offer大家a haircut! 笑死我了。”
“谢谢, 我家小儿子今天还在车里和我探讨理发师这个职业。”
“It was a fun game:)”
“Excellent idea and implementation!  My son was so excited about the game.”