Sophia Woo和Ken Denike的政纲(中英文)

parental rights-1260  11/06   26322  

Trustee Ken Denike and Sophia Woo Platform   纲要


Planning for Schools in East False Creek has been a catch up process.


It was not predicted that many families would adopt the urban lifestyle.


It is evident that school planning for high rise areas of Vancouver was based on the premise that few families would choose to live in high density areas.  As a result of this view of the future few relatively small sites have been allocated for schools.  Consider the two sites allocated by Concord Pacific. Both the sites for Elsie Roy and International Village are well below provincial standards for the scale of the building at Elsie Roy and under construction at International Village.


The process of planning for schools in False Creek East and Olympic Village is not adequate for the changing demographics and building boom occurring in the area. A similar situation is taking shape in the Cambie Corridor.


Planned response has been piecemeal. Elsie Roy was expanded to capacity after neighborhood families were shuttled to distant schools.  A novel construction project is planned for International Village to provide greater capacity for a larger enrollment than the site warrants. The building is to be cantilevered over park space.  This is an interesting architectural innovation necessitated by lace of planning.


Further, with new elementary schools coming on stream, there is the issue of where these students are to go secondary school. Other than lengthy commutes, a new secondary school is required.



How does VSB prepare for this future?


Prudent fiscal management, rather than repeatedly confronting government on funding.


The VSB looks back at budgets. It plans on the basis of current operations and compares budgets with what it got years ago rather than looking forward and budgeting for the future. Opportunities are lost.


The VSB does not have any responsibility for the property taxes collected by the City for education. School tax on property should be connected to VSB to increase accountability and give residents a say.


To be loyal opposition.


Without an opposition matters of critical importance could be swept under the carpet. We have leadership ability and experience.  We have contributed on numerous occasions where the board has needed leadership and recognize we have an important role.


We listen. You have a right to be informed and consulted.  Your views need to be addressed.  We fight for transparency by bringing issues to the Board in public forum.


The VSB should innovate in education.


One issue we have before the VSB is to establish an Asian Studies Program by combining Mandarin Immersion programs, a new course on Chinese history and evolve a teaching curriculum.  This would provide a basis to get funding for additional language programs.  An Asian Studies program could also get recognition from universities and early credit for students as advanced placement.









温哥华学校局按照这预测去规划配套学位,很显然,配置的学位相对较少,不能满足区内学生需求。 就看Concord Pacific康科德地区分配的两个地点,无论是Elsie Roy 或 International Village国际村均远低于省级的建设标准规模。 




解决问题的方案零碎,区内家庭的学生要跨区到遥远的学校上学,Elsie Roy现在是扩充了。 计划于国际村的一个新建设项目,为了提供更多的学位以满足超预测的需求,该建筑是要以悬臂式的设计建在公园上的空间。这是一个因缺乏周详规划而产生的有趣创新建筑。 


此外,随着新小学落成, 这些学生进入中学的问题将接着显现。为免除学生每天漫长的来回穿梭,一个新的中学是必需争取的。 







VSB执着于比较年前的预算, 而非正视现在规划及运作的基础,以前的并非今时的机遇。 不要只期待着拿未来的预算跟以往的进行比较。 


