PA华人市议员候选人Lydia Kou 坚决反对SCA5

慧-1291  10/29   19172  

Dear Friends,


I have been informed that you have questions about whether I know of SCA-5 and my position. I know of and oppose SCA-5. I want you to know I am a parent too. I am a parent to 2 daughters, they are both Chinese and their last names is… Chang. Although my daughters have almost completed their schooling and have benefited from California Proposition 209, I would hope and want this same benefit to be available for your children as well, present and in the future.


Palo Alto is fortunate to have award-winning schools, it is entrusted to hard working school board members, faculty, staff and parents. This year’s election for school board members is especially difficult as we have very accomplished candidates. If you have questions or concerns of one candidate or the other, I encourage you to contact them and to have a chat with them directly.


Lastly, I hope if you have questions of me or would like to know more of me and why I am running for City Council, you will contact me directly and give me the opportunity to meet with you. My phone number is (650) 858-2812 and my email is .


Kindest regards,



Lydia Kou

Mobile 650.996.0028 |



慧-1291  10/29