Don Sun: In shock of the tragic accident of a 15 year old boy killed on his way to school

Don Sun-1255  10/27   16091  

Today, all of the Cupertino Schools, children, teachers, and administrators are in shock of the tragic accident of a 15 year old boy killed on his way to school. We feel for the loss of the family and we feel terribly sad because this could happen to anyone and anytime during school traffic hours. 

There have been 5 bike accidents at our school area involving young children on their way to school this year. This one is fatal. As our community suffers its loss and search for answers, we ask ourselves how many more accidents or more deaths would it take for us to do something about the school traffic issues?

School traffic issues have been a long known problem and have been challenged by many politicians, community leaders, and parents. However, we were never able to reach a solution. It is time now that we make this a top priority for Cupertino City Staff and leaders. Our community leaders, our schools, our city staff and our elected officials can no longer delay or avoid this issue anymore.

We can propose the following changes:

1. More police help during the morning and afternoon hours. Just merely the volunteers will not be enough to handle the thousands of children who commute to school every day.

2. We need to build safe bike dividers between the cars and bike lanes to provide a safe area for bikes and pedestrians.

3. We need to work with the Public Safety and Sheriff department to spend more time tending school area traffic and protect the commuting children's safety.

Don Sun,
Cupertino City Planning Commissioner