
Mei Mei Huff  10/22   10431  

God helps us! 新上仼的加州參議院議長 Kevin De Leon 說:Handouts, Not Hard Work, Are the American Way. 美國的精神是在於施捨(應該說是接受施捨)而不是努力工作。
KEVIN DE LEON SAYS: “Isn’t it time we shatter the great American myth about pulling oneself up by the bootstraps? It’s a fantasy. It’s simply not true. Every single one of us, whether rich or poor, is relying on someone else for our own success. And reliance, reliance is nothing of shame – it is the American way.”
“Top California Democrat: Reliance is the ‘American Way’,” Richard Grenell, FoxNews, 20 October 2014

Mei Mei 说: