金橙俱乐部2014年11月4日大選推薦名單 November 4th, 2014 General Election Recommendations

TOC文宣  10/20   17033  

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為了重振加州,並阻止類似SCA5的種族歧視提案再次出現,同時推舉符合我們華人核心利益的候選人,南加華人政治行動組織金橙俱樂部(The Orange Club)建議11月4日大選投票給以下候選人: 

Representative in Congress聯邦國會眾議員):

24th District(第24區)– CHRIS MITCHUM
26th District(第26區)– JEFF GORELL
38th District(第38區)– BENJAMIN CAMPOS
39th District(第39區)– ED ROYCE
45th District(第45區)– MIMI WALTERS
46th District(第46區)– ADAM NICK
47th District(第47區)– ANDY WHALLON
48th District(第48區)– DANA ROHRABACHER
49th District(第49區)– DARRELL ISSA
52th District(第52區)– CARL DeMAIO

State Constitutional Officers州憲法官員):

Governor(州長)– NEEL KASHKARI
Lieutenant Governor(副州長)– RON NEHRING
Secretary of State(州務卿)– PETE PETERSON
Controller (主計長)– ASHLEY SWEARENGIN
Treasurer(財務長)– JOHN CHIANG(江俊輝)
Attorney General(司法部長)– RONALD GOLD
Insurance Commissioner(保險局長)– TED GAINES

Member of State Senate(加州參議院):

10th District(第10區)– PETER KUO(郭宗政)
32nd District(第32區)– MARIO A. GUERRA
34th District(第34區)– JANET NGUYEN
36th District(第36區)– PATRICIA BATES

Member of State Assembly(加州眾議院):

16th District(第16區)– CATHERINE BAKER
28th District(第28區)– CHUCK PAGE
36th District(第36區)– TOM LACKEY
38th District(第38區)– SCOTT WILK
44th District(第44區)– ROB MCCOY
45th District(第45區)– SUSAN SHELLEY
48th District(第48區)– JOE M. GARDNER
55th District(第55區)– LING-LING CHANG(張玲齡)
57th District(第57區)– RITA TOPALIAN
52nd District(第52區)– DOROTHY F. PINEDA
65 th District(第65區)– YOUNG KIM
66 th District(第66區)– DAVID HADLEY
68 th District(第68區)– DONNALD P. (DON) WAGNER
69 th District(第69區)– SHERRY WALKER
72nd District(第72區)– TRAVIS ALLEN
73rd District(第73區)– WILLIAM (BILL) BROUGH
74th District(第74區)– KEITH D. CURRY

Member of State Board of Equalization加州平税局):

1st District(第1區)– GREG RUNNER
2nd District(第2區)– FIONA MA
3rd District(第3區)– JEROME HORTON
4th District(第4區)– DIANE L. HARKEY

School – State學校 – 州):

Superintendent of Public Instruction(公共教育總監)– MARSHALL TUCK

Orange County Supervisors(橙縣監事會):

Supervisor, 2nd District(監察委員, 第2區)– MICHELLE STEEL orALLAN MANSOOR
Supervisor, 5th District(監察委員, 第5區)– ROBERT MING

Orange County Offices(橙縣行政官員):


Orange County Judicial (橙縣司法):

Judge of the Superior Court Office 14(高等法院法官第14辦公處)– KEVIN HASKINS

Los Angeles County Supervisors(洛縣監事會):

Supervisor, 3rd District(監察委員, 第3區)– BOBBY SHRIVER

Los Angeles County Offices(洛縣行政官員):

Assessor(洛縣估稅官)– JOHN MORRIS
Sheriff(洛縣警長)– PAUL TANAKA

Los Angeles County Judicial (洛縣司法):

Judge of the Superior Court Office 61(高等法院法官第61辦公處)– DAYAN MATHAI
Judge of the Superior Court Office 87(高等法院法官87辦公處)– ANDREW M. STEIN

State Measures州級提案):

Prop. 1:   Authorizes $7.12 billion in general obligation bonds for various water supply infrastructure projects.

Yes. State’s water infrastructure needs upgrade to meet the already increased demand.

Prop. 2:  Amends the California Constitution to change how the state pays down debts and saves money in reserves. 

Yes. This is a rare opportunity to amend the constitution to reign in wasteful government spending. The school district cap provision is not in the constitutional amendment but rather a decoy that intends to trick people to vote No on the proposition. 

Prop. 45: Allows state’s insurance commissioner to reject health insurance price changes.

No. Let’s NOT to make it easier for special interest groups to influence an elected politician, i.e. Insurance Commissioner.

Prop. 46: Drug and Alcohol Testing of Doctors; Medical Negligence Lawsuits. Increases cap on medical malpractice damages, required drug and alcohol testing of doctors, and mandates checking a prescription drug database before prescribing certain drugs.

No.  Keep it from becoming a milking machine for medical negligence trial lawyers.

Prop. 47: Reduces simple drug possession and theft-related sentences to misdemeanors and directs financial savings to substance abuse programs, K-12 education, and trauma recovery services for crime victims.

No.  California should not sacrifice its justice to alleviate its financial constraints. Run a more efficient government would be the right direction to go.

Prop. 48: Indian Gaming. Ratifies two gaming compacts and exempts execution of the compacts and intergovernmental agreements from the California Environmental Quality Act.

No. No more casinos in California.