访Pleasanton市议员候选人-George Bowen

微风-1162  10/05   28580  


DCA中秋节联欢会,Pleasanton市议员候选人George Bowen出席了活动,Chinese Tomato 的小记者Max Zhuang & Jerry Lai 采访了他。GeorgeBowen曾参加了上次Pleasanton市议会会议,我 出席了, 所以我认识他。表面上Bowen似乎没有多少从政经验, 但他却表现出与社区强烈的归属感,非常好的发展和改善 Pleasanton的构想。 

Max Zhuang: What is your background?

George Bowen: I’ve been a 29 year resident of Pleasanton, a local businessman, and insurance executive.

Max Zhuang: why do you think this qualifies you for city council?

George Bowen: Well, my work hasn’t been only those few things; I’ve been a leader of a national group for Organ Donations, raised a fundraiser last year at
Wente to financially help out six local veterans who were wounded, two of them lost their legs, and I’ve also helped impact distracted teen
driving with the website impactteendrivers.org.  I’m someone who has
seen problems and hasn’t been afraid to step up to solve them.

George Bowen: 当然我的工作不是我生活的全部经历;我一直是一个社区领袖在国家的器官捐献组织,去年在Wente的募捐活动我们筹集了善款帮助了当地六个受伤的老兵,其中两个失去了他们的双腿。我也帮助青少年不分心驾驶团体 (网站impactteendrivers.org)。我这样地人-看到问题,不害怕, 赶紧想办法解决这些问题的。

Max Zhuang: How did you get involved with such different things like veterans and teen driving?
Max Zhuang: 为什么你会关注青少年驾驶和退休军人问题?

George Bowen:Well starting with teen driving, my closest friend’s son who was only 16 years old was killed in a car accident where he was distracted, not
drinking, simply distracted at the wheel. And my son was in the marine corps.

George Bowen: 关注青少年驾驶是这样开始的,我最亲密的朋友的儿子,也是唯一的 儿子,16岁那年死于一场车祸,因为他开车时分心了,没有

Max Zhuang: Why are you running for City Council?
Max Zhuang: 你为什么竞选Pleasanton市议会议员?

George Bowen: Well I wasn’t looking for a role in politics, but I’m running because I didn’t feel represented, especially with the many problems we have
such as overcrowded schools, water problems, and traffic problems. I wanted to make a difference for myself and for others that shared my

George Bowen: 嗯,我不是追求政治上的角色,但我竞选是因为我们社区有很多问题 如过度拥挤的学校,供水问题,交通问题。 我想要有所作为,和其他人分享我的意见。

Max Zhuang: And how do you think the Chinese community aligns with your views?

George Bowen: Well first and foremost the Chinese community admirably is interested in strong schools. This is important especially with problems that
Pleasanton has with overcrowding in that I’m a candidate for slow-growth and if we are too quick expand, the school system will be
hurt by the lack of quality of education due to overcrowding.

George Bowen: 嗯,首先,中国社区非常重视好学区。这是重要的,特别是Pleasaont已经人满为患,我是主张社区增长缓慢的,如果我们的城市过度扩大,学校系统将 由于过度拥挤,教育质量下降。