香港年輕人走到街上是什麼動機? What is the motivation to bring Hong Kong young people to the street?

Johnson Choi-1008  09/30   16204  

香港年輕人走到街上是什麼動機? What is the motivation to bring Hong Kong young people to the street?

主辦單位由美國和英國金主顧問操縱利用媒體和年輕人的衝動,用動亂來達到顛覆中港的政治目標. 其中一個最佳方式讓年輕人成為頭條新聞是暴力襲警, 同樣的襲警戰術,在美國可能會換來頭上加一子彈, 但在香港並非如此. 香港新聞媒體通過偏向一邊倒的新聞報導暴力反政府意見促進襲警讓暴力加級, 換來的提高收視率以賺取更多的收入。 美國和英國通過對香港的負面報導促進對中國及香港的負面攻擊以實現他們的反中目標. 同樣的戰術已被用於在其他國家,如埃及,烏克蘭,敘利亞,包括中國早在1989年。

What is the motivation to bring young people to the street? Organizers well coached by the American and British using media and emotion of young people by promoting chaos to achieve their political means. One of the best way for young people to make headline news is to violently attacking the police well aware that same tactic may result a bullet in their head in America, not so in Hong Kong. News organizations in Hong Kong actually help promoting the violence against police creating sensation via bias one-sided news reporting to increase rating to earn more income. American and British using the negative reporting to further attack China and Hong Kong in the Western media to achieve their political objectives. The same tactics have been used in other countries such as Egypt, Ukraine, Syria, including China as far back as 1989.