
李春燕  09/29   18310  

朋友的孩子Christine 不但考上Manhattan School of Music, 还是写作的快手。她是我们ABC Club最活跃的成员之一,每次讨论说出的观点都让家长和孩子们深思许久。7月份她参与组织了public speaking 当晚就写出报告 (http://www.weidb.com/g1682&tag=207&p=6201) 。昨天在纽约上一天音乐课,今天上午在高中乐队足球比赛当啦啦队演出,下午扫街,晚上马上写出总结。勤奋、才华与协调能力让我钦佩!没时间翻译,希望给其他地区学生们以借鉴。

注:前天刚写了莫再妄自菲薄 ( http://www.overseaswindow.com/node/16175 微信看不到可以点右上角浏览器打开),这样的二代很多,他们是真老虎,是我们的希望。

Christine Yang, 9th grade

The task did not seem that difficult. We were simply going to knock on people's doors and advertise about Jesse Liu, who is running for a place in the Millburn Board of Education. Personally, I was not nervous, but I noticed others were not so confident. However, there is really nothing to fear. My friend Serena and I easily completed our assignment.

We went to 19 different houses, and 7 people answered the door. They were very polite and nice -- no one was rude as I had anticipated. I had already prepared a guide for us to follow depending on the circumstances. Serena would say the introductions ("Hello, we are high school volunteers, and we would like to introduce you to Millburn Board of Education candidate Jesse Liu..."). Then I would continue with the background ("He went to Yale University... His financial and mathematical background will help manage the limited school budget... Etc.). I made sure to include what we would do if their reactions were negative or annoyed, but the people who were listening were understanding, and it seemed like they were interested. 

Although most of the route went smoothly, there were a few times when the situation got a little awkward. Once, a car pulled up, and a man came out holding lawn sign for a different campaigner (but fortunately his wife still listened to what we had to say). In this situation, we just went along with an improvised version of our speech, and we actually kindled interest in the woman.

Some people asked questions such as, "Is he [Jesse] new [to the Board of Education]?" We answered as: "Yes, but he had experience with a board before, so he is well qualified for the job." Basically, we tried to promote Jesse as much as we can, and if we did not know an answer, we referred to the campaign website and email.

Overall, our journey was quite successful. More people opened their front doors than expected, and we communicated our cause thoroughly. Although one may think personally ringing the doorbell and speaking must be something tedious and challenging, there's truly nothing to be anxious about. 


1. Door opens (go to 3) (if not go to 2) 

2. If door does not open, tape the flyer on the door (at the next house, start at 1) .

3. Hello, how are you? (With warm smile, if that's not possible then fake it) We'd like to introduce you to a board of ed candidate Jesse Liu. Jesse has three kids in the Millburn public elementary, middle, and high school.

He went to Yale University, and his studies in the financial industry with his mathematical background makes him able to efficiently manage the limited financial resources the schools have. He had been the board chair for a language school, so he has experience in policy-making and planning.

 (If cut off in the middle, go to 4/5. If not, go to 6)  

4. (If person politely refuses) Alright, thank you for your time. Please take a flyer anyway. Have a nice day! (Put flyer in external mailbox if refused before (?) and move on to next house -- start at 1) 

5. (If person is rude) Alright, thanks for listening. Have a great day. (Put flyer in mailbox (?) and start at 1 for next house) 

6. Here is his flyer with website info and email. Do you have any specific questions for Jesse? (Write down any questions if applicable) (go to 7) (if entirely rejected go to 4/5) (if their interest or patience is running out, go to 9) 

7. We can drop off more of Jesse's visions and positions in your mailbox if you'd like, so we don't have to knock on your door again. (If yes or no, go to 8) (if their interest or patience is running out, go to 9) 

8. Would you be interested in a coffee meeting or an email or phone call from Jesse? (Obtain email if applicable) (go to 9) 

9. Alright, thank you for listening and for your time. Please vote!

