My Opinions towards the Two UC Poly-Sci Professors - Yaoming Wang

王耀明  09/25   9609  

Three points to keep in mind about the results of this survey.

1. How a question is posed affects the answers given, especially on a topic like affirmative action. In this survey, respondents were asked:

"Do you favor or oppose affirmative action programs designed to help blacks, women, and other minorities get better jobs and education?"

In this survey, the question covers women and jobs to pick up more support. In other surveys without those two components, support for AA drops. AA for women is legal in CA. SCA5 is only about education, not jobs. Also, we'd need to see how the question is presented in Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean to get a sense of what the native speakers were reacting to.

2. Because sample size for subgroups are small, the error margins are large -- +/- 8.7% for Chinese Americans -- so the results are highly variable. According to this report, in the 2012 survey that asked the same question, 80% of Asian-Americans in CA supported AA. Two years later, this poll shows support at 69.1%.

3. Ramakrishnan has been very vocal in downplaying Chinese American opposition to SCA5 saying that they are not representative of Asian-Americans as a whole.