9/6 Danville 中秋体育庆功大会

牡丹燕菜-198  09/06   8892  

The Bollinger Hills Cabana is located at 2951 Morgan Drive, San Ramon CA

9/6 中午我们将在San Ramon 这个club house 举办Danville 体育健儿啦啦队(乒乓球,华体会分列式,太极队,拔河队)庆功大会,正好9/8天又是中秋,大家可以在异国他乡共迎中秋。


费用:$5/person or $10/family to cover some basic cost 


1) 想喝酒的朋友请自带酒,小珺和彦凝会为大家准备cocktail. 




5)家长请看护好孩子,注意安全不要下游泳池。保护公共财务 ($150 deposit ) 



11:00 布置场地

12:00 大家签到,美食分类摆放
负责人:涂言 惟青- 签到, reliability waiver form, name tag, register games -- Make sure each family member and friends they bring if any list on the reliability form
老郭 - 食品摆放

12:30PM 开幕负责人: 刘薇- 3 分钟

12:35 美食大赛裁判品餐负责人: 涂言 宣布规则

12:40PM Kevin announces 大家就餐。

1:30PM 表彰乒乓球队,太极队,拔河队,及啦啦队。 -配背景照片 负责人: 刘薇

1:50PM 发美食大赛 - allows 3 challenge questions from the crowd负责人: 涂言

2:00PM 自我介绍(以家庭为单位)- 1 min per family - punishment husband 5 push-ups 中间加3个拍卖 - 负责人: kevin, Tina
拍1 - $$刘薇1)NERF 35-dart rapid fire blasting. Starting price: $20 $$
拍2), $$photo by Alex zou- Death Valley , starting price: $10 $$
拍3) $$Melissa:dishwasher mate, starting price $ 10 per set.

拍4) $$4)槑$25 Chianti's Ristorante Certificate-- starting $$0.25. $$

2:30PM 游戏时间 (1.5小时)

(1)找孩子 (室内可) - 负责人: Annie 5个孩子 和 5 个 爸爸 - 爸爸 take turn. A dad stands in the center of 5 kids. Each kid hits the dad once on the hand and makes dog or cat sounds 3 times. After it, the dad can touch each child's only if he have not make out his kid yet. Punishment - gives his kid a huge and promise to tuck in his kid to bed everyday for a week. play the game 5 times with all dads. The dad can call it out any time when he recognizes.

Below games will be done at same time - may need to go outsides
(2)夫妻顶气球 and (3)拖乒乓球跑(一大人一小孩)。

(2) 夫妻顶气球 -- 负责人: Annie规则:
(3) 拖乒乓球跑 -- 负责人:Kevin规则:
(5)拔河 - 负责人 Annie规则

4:00PM:Nina 表演 - 紫殿剑 负责人: Annie

4:10pm 对联欣赏, 配中秋赏月音乐
负责人: Kevin

4:20pm (1 hr) 唱歌
拍卖4- Kevin
拍 - $$Wade, one hour counseling with kids 9)Maggie, one hour college planning counseling $$

(1) Jane solo

拍卖5 - Annie
$$5)武卫坤 2 小时 (剪草做饭聊天搥背唱歌跳舞打麻将看孩子,不违法就行)加州最低工资起拍$$

(2)吴秀波 solo

拍卖6 - Kevin拍 - Perry 老師的漫畫教授1.5小時,15元。

(3) PK starts - 负责人: Tina PK规则:每队唱3首指定歌曲,3打2胜。 评委打分和现场观众举手结合, 评委由现场老人组成拍买7 - Annie拍 - Annie 專業美容護理(只限女士)使用英國頂級護膚產品Elemis和美國天然護膚產品Bio (皮膚嚴重敏感者不建議拍買) $20(4)唱歌 - 武卫坤(备用)。

5:30PM 自由玩乐(1)KARAOKE -吴秀波。 (2)小珺酒铺- 彦凝协理(3)向阳茶档 - 黎明协理 (4)德州扑克- 老谢主理(5)80分- Frank Hu主理 (6)麻将 - Perry 主理(7)象棋- 自愿组合 (8)拱猪-自愿组合。

7:00PM 宵夜。 负责人:涂言
9:30PM 打扫卫生。 负责人: 武卫坤
10:00PM 回家
负责人: 刘薇 Make sure everything in order to return the rental place