月圆人团圆 - CACC invites you to the 2014 Mid-Autumn BBQ Festival

故乡人-971  08/26   14569  

" 中秋明月圆又圆佳节亲朋喜团圆", 2014 Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner. It's a traditional Chinese festival for people to reunite, taste moon cakes and have fun together.  In order to celebrate the festival, CACC will host a Mid-Autumn BBQ Festival on Saturday, September 13th, 2014.  In addition to our traditional BBQ and potluck, we will have family fun games, table tennis competition, food competition, Karaoke,face painting, riddles, magic show by professionals, poker game, plus moon cake tasting. See detailed info below: 



Saturday, September 13th, 2014.   4:00pm - 9:00pm

Table tennis competition : 4:30pm - 6:30pm



Hart Middle School, 4433 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588.



BBQ, Potluck, table tennis competition, Karaoke, Food competition, Magic show, family fun games, face painting, moon cake tasting, card games and more.


Each family is suggested to bring two dishes to share or pays $10.

CACC 2014 
金秋BBQ晚会设有: BBQ, Potluck, karaoke, 家庭趣味运动会乒乓球比赛美食评奖, 职业魔术表演(45分钟),彩绘脸猜谜语,月饼,扑克等等.


1.  双人挤气球比赛.

2. 老公背老婆赛跑.

3. Parent-Child 吹气球接力赛跑

4. Parent-Child 呼啦圈比赛.

5. Parent-Child 双人跳绳比赛.

6. Parent-Child 乒乓球拍托球接力赛跑.


晚会对社区所有人士开放! 不限CACC成员欢迎大家前来共度中秋佳节

提前报名的每位参赛者都有奖! 已有许多朋友报名参加请速上网报名:

 (We need to prepare enough food for everyone.报名到九月十日晚十一点截止).


(Or go to: www.caccusa.org )

我们也需要一些热心的义工, 请到下列网址注册. 谢谢! 


Please come and join us! Thanks.


CACC Board of Directors