请支持我,郭宗政,Peter Kuo,一起重塑加州为金色之州

CivilRights微信  08/22   7049  

翻译:Henry Song

California has long been home to a diverse population, for whom hope and opportunity are synonymous with hard work and innovation. They brought us blue jeans and “moving pictures,” semiconductors and a successful agriculture industry.

Regrettably, we've lost our way. California now bears the 8th highest unemployment rate in the nation; the worst drought in 100+ years; high poverty and underfunded schools; an unbearable cost of living; and a Senate racked with criminally-convicted legislators.

令人遗憾的是 ,我们已经迷失了方向 。加州如今承受着全国排名第八的失业率;一百多年来最严重的干旱 ;居高不下的贫困与经费短缺的学校;令人难以承受的高额生活花费;以及一个曾经被众多获刑的立法人员占据的参议院 。

I want you to believe in California again. It doesn't have to be this way.

我要让你重拾对加州的信心。加州不一定非其如此 。

As a job-creating small business owner, I'll cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit and prosperity that has been the hallmark of this region by fostering new economic opportunities such as renewable energy.


I'll fight legislation like SCA-5, ensuring college admissions are based on merit and need, not skin color.


I'll fight to turn around our failing schools by facing the interconnected complexities of crime, poverty, and education head-on.

我为迎头面对犯罪、贫穷与教育之间错综复杂的关系,努力扭转我们日益衰败的学校 。

I'll work with unions and retirees to solve our pension obligations while keeping promises to past and present workers.


I'll fight any legislation that allows dangerous criminals back into your neighborhood before serving their sentence.


I'll work with other legislators, the public, unions, anyone… on any issue. No one is in my back pocket.

我会和其他立法人员、社会大众、工会团体或任何其他人,就任何议题共同努力 ,不偏不倚。

It's time to shine the spotlight on Sacramento. We need problem solvers and California dreamers, not finger pointing by an entrenched legislature.

I ask for your vote to do the hard work needed to help make California Golden again.
