PLAY Event Application Form
天涯游子-1049 08/18 9104
Suggestion Form
Name of Event:
Setting (Time and Place):
Funding (if applicable):
Event Procedure (How the event will be run):
Relation to Club Mission:
Other comments
Name of Event:
San Ramon Wind and Arts Festival
Setting (Time and Place):
June 2015, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. @ Central Park
Funding will be minute. We will ask members if we can
borrow folding tables, chairs, and the canopy. We will be handing out candy at
our booth, which should not cost too much. Also, we will be handing out
brochures to visitors.
Event Procedure:
8:30 First shift of members arrive, set up booth.
9:00 First shift of members begin to hand out
brochures and candy to eventers and
informing them about our club.
12:00 First shift of members is replaced by the second
3:00 Second shift is replaced by the third shift
5:00 Third shift cleans up the booth.
Relation to Club Mission:
This event will be good publicity, which will attract
more members to our club. As a club focused on helping youth, a larger
membership is good because the club will be able to help more people. Also,
members who volunteer at the booth will learn great public speaking skills.
Being at a booth requires members to be able to attract the attention of
eventers. This is a great exercise for public speaking because all speakers
must engage their audience.