PLAY Event Application Process

天涯游子-1049  08/18   8929  

Dear parents of the PLAY Club,

First of all, thank you for attending the Cemetery hike. We are glad to see the amount of attendance. We believe it is very important to be aware of local issues and being willing to act on them. Events like this one should be promoted by the officers of PLAY to ensure high participation to send a message to our city government.

Recently, the officers of PLAY have agreed on a new policy regarding events. This policy is a step towards a more independent club. At the start of the club, it was established that the officers and members did not have the resources to find events, plan interviews, and run meetings. The aid of PLAY club parents was enlisted to help overcome the challenges of starting a club. However, as PLAY matures, the officers feel better equipped to create and run events by themselves. Still, the officers feel it would be inadvisable to make such a huge step immediately. Thus, we have agreed on an application process, where both parents and students can send event request forms to the PLAY officers to suggest events. These events will be taken under consideration by the seven highest officer positions, the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Event Planner and Webmaster. Please understand that the PLAY officers will simultaneously be planning events as well. Event request forms will ideally be returned within the span of a week, with suggestions and questions from the officer committee. If an event is not accepted, the committee will explain why. Feel free to resubmit rejected events for reevaluation.

The PLAY officers, as always, are working towards promoting leadership, in their members and in themselves. We feel that this process is necessary. This is the link to the event suggestion form.

An example form is provided at


The PLAY officers.