肥哥天地•Dr. Vera Rubin

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单位的著名天文学家Dr. Vera Rubin在2016年12月25日去世了,享年88岁。当时正值放假。她是第一个发现了的暗物质的科学家。单位同事十分缅怀她。根据她的自传,他父亲很注重她的教育,而她也很感激她爸爸在她幼年的时候带领一家人度过了大萧条。她比较自豪的就是四个儿女都读博士,其中两位地质学家,一位数学家,一位天文学家。儿子上学的时候,我们把他带到她那里请她指点一下。结果,她得知儿子喜欢玩游戏就大加鼓励。我们也只好支持他玩游戏,并为他玩游戏大开方便之门。他最后是迷上了计算机工程,现在喜欢做设备的底层开发。

单位每天都有午餐俱乐部,成员轮流做饭。其他人也可以带自己的午餐坐过去,边吃边聊天。Dr. Vera Rubin所坐的那一桌总是满的。大家愿意跟她交流。到后期,她比较关注教育以及女性科学家的平等待遇。她的许多学生都已经成为各自领域的中间力量。我们会跟她说提前祝她得诺贝尔物理学奖。对此她一笑了之,“女性科学家的机会很小”。

我每个周五都写首诗发给单位的BeerHour。这一次,没有那个活动,我就写了一个来纪念这位备受尊重的女权科学家。大家谈论她的成就比较多的是她在1996年成为历史上第二位活动英国皇家天文学会金质奖章女性天文学家。第一位是1828年的 Caroline Herschel。有文章提到她当年去加州理工使用天文俱乐部的望远镜的故事。俱乐部里面都是男生,告诉她因为里面没有女厕所不让她用。她马上做了一个女厕所标志贴到男厕所说,“现在有了”。




网上有她年轻时的照片。可是我见到她的时候,她基本就是维基上这个图片的样子了。我有半年多没见着她, 她已经离去。十分缅怀她。

Dear Friends,

Dr. Vera Rubin passed away more than ten days ago during the holiday season. The loss was especially felt by her colleague on campus.

Thank Dr. Alycia Weinberger for her description on Dr. Rubin's academic achievements with some astronomical terms. And thanks to our respectful Shaun Hardy for his discussion on
wordings as he always did. With their help, I come up with some lines to remember Dr. Vera Rubin.
Since I can not show a picture of dark matter, I find a picture of polar ring galaxy which is not dark.

A New World in the Dark
----To Dr. Vera Rubin
By Fatboy

In the new millennium during a winter
A bright star fades away
A Universe-tender
That is Dr. Rubin, Vera

As a youngster
She becomes a stargazer
How could the Moon follows us?
How should Galaxies move in the Universe?

Galaxies in the Universe
Immersed in dark matters
Be it elliptical
Dwarf or spiral

It doesn't interact with light
Yet with normal matter
Gravitation attracts
Call it strange
More strange than a polar ring

Speak of honors
From Caroline Herschel’1828
To Vera Rubin’1996
The second woman awarded a gold medal
Astronomical Society, the Royal

Dear Dr. Rubin, Vera
A Universe-tender
Up in Andromeda
Heading home
A bright star



There are several concepts mentioned in the above lines.

Her girlhood fascination of universe was pursued constantly. One phenomenon puzzled her a lot during a vacation trip that time is that how does the Moon know where they are going and follow the family. Later her research focuses on dynamics of galaxies in the universe. The way that astronomers observe is to use optical or radio telescopes. By observing spiral galaxies, she observed that stars do not move at the velocities supposed by observations of other stars in the same galaxy. This observation suggests that are there are matters that do not interact with electromagnetic waves, such as lights and radio waves. That first observation was on galaxy Andromeda. That is why I say she is heading home to Andromeda, labeled M31.

Based on her astronomy observations, about 80 percent of matters in the universe do not interact with electromagnetic waves. Therefore, we consider the Galaxies are immersed in the universe of dark matter. To study galaxy dynamics, she observed elliptical, dwarf and spiral galaxies. Dark matters in those galaxies can manifest existence of dark matter

In her later years she was investigating Polar Ring galaxies, however not dark matter. Normal galaxies are in the shape one disk. However, the polar ring galaxies show two disks perpendicular to each other.







