
李春燕-1142  07/17   7411  

只有知道历史,拿出行动才能防止悲剧重演。我们过激反应吗?转JC:“前天跟一个美国朋友说起JK和BB的事件,说到中国人也在反省自己是否太过敏感和小题大做。他说对这种种族歧视的言论当然应该0容忍,否则就会不断的发生。” 转JL:“公司的美国同事也说这家伙就应被炒鱿鱼,还很奇怪我这次怎么没上街抗议。”

下面Monica 的FB贴有理有据,请在媒体发声。
On July 10 2014, Mr Beckel made some strong racial, slandering remarks and accusations towards Chinese Americans and China on national TV that were unprofessional and irresponsible as a public broadcaster. I support Congressman Mike Honda and CA Senator Ted Lieu to ask for Mr Beckel's termination immediately and Fox News to apologize to our nation.

Mr Wen-Ho Li, a Chinese American scientist, was wrongfully accused of being a spy for the same reasons. After a few years of investigations, he was released, the judge apologized but his life was ruined. We do not want this kind of history happen to Chinese Americans or anyone else at all. With Mr Beckel's broadcasting style, he is promoting this kind of irresponsible bigotry.

Mr Vincent Chin was killed with a baseball bat the night before his wedding in Detroit when he was mistaken to be a Japanese American. At that time, a lot of people were unemployed because of the decline of the automobile industry. Mr Beckel's racial remarks in public broadcasting encouraged this kind of racial hate crime atmosphere. His divisive racial remarks further divide our community and our nation. What did his example teach our children of this nation? Races and hate crime?

The apology that was given by Mr Beckel on July 14 2014 was not sincere and further insult our intelligence. It hurts our foreign relations with China. Perhaps if no actions were taken, we should boycott all the business that advertise with Fox News.