
anonymous-111817  10/31   54938  


鑒於國際人權宣言第 26.3 條確認父母有為子女選擇他們接受何種教育的優先權利; 

鑒於卑詩省學校法第 7(1)a 條規定:配合教育廳長的命令,在學校就讀學齡兒童的家長有權知道子女在學校的出席情況、行為及進度; 

鑒於列治文校局的教育政策 103 確認家長的參與是必要的,它能提供學童最佳的教育經驗,令學童及家長都成功,學校的責任是積極地支持教師、學生及家長在學習上的伙伴配搭。 





Dear Chair Tablotney and Respectable Trustees of Richmond Board of Education, 

Whereas parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children as recognized in Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 26.3 (“the Article”); 

Whereas a parent of a student of school age attending a school is entitled to be informed, in accordance with the orders of the minister, of the student’s attendance, behaviour and progress in school as stated to BC School 

Acts 7(1)a (“the Acts”); 

Whereas Richmond Board of Education Policy 103 (“the Policy”) recognizes that parental involvement is essential to providing a student with best possible educational experience and enabling both students and parents to be successful. The school is responsible in actively supporting the learning partnership between teacher, students and parents. 

We, the undersigned, request Richmond Board of Education: 

1. To honor parents’ role in their children’s education by informing and inviting involvement from parents and members of the general public through thorough and extensive consultations before introducing any policy, guideline and/or practice changes which may be inconsistent in any way with the aforesaid Article, Acts and 


2. To ensure that students’ right to physical safety and psychological integrity must be protected and that all students should feel safe and comfortable when using all facilities in schools; 

3. To uphold all students and parents’ rights and freedoms under the Canadian Charter of Rights and 

Freedoms, including freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press. 

Yours truly, 

-360- responses have been recorded.


