The Stupid Bob Beckel Should be Fired within One Week

Maggie Tian-911  07/12   17215  

By Maggie Tian

July 12, 2014 San Jose




1. 打电话给你支持过的各候选人和在位的各区政治代表,各位有社会影响力的团体负责人,社区领袖,请他们发表声明要求他下台。

2. 打电话给Fox节目组强烈表达你对Beckel不当言论的不满,你应该像Ted那样骂人,用“stupid”,“pig"等词语来形容他,这不算“人身攻击”,仅仅是陈述事实而已。东方文明只两句格言:一句是安分守己、明哲保身;一句是管他妈的。——林语堂《民国历史》

3. 去FB,CNN,FOX,NYC等各媒体发表文章,评论,使劲骂他。

4. Keep improving your cursing skills. It's necessary for every Chinese Americans.

5. 如果他和FOX 顶得住我们的炮火,在一周内还不采取行动的话,我们就发动全美大游行吧!我真等得不耐烦了。

See below news-

"In Nigeria... they're the greatest scam artists in the world," he said. "They must teach them how to run scams and pickpocket people because they are very good at pickpocketing."

Beckel's co-hosts sat in shock while he continued to explain why he believes Iranians excel as well:

“Of course their kids are gonna pay attention, because if they don’t they are gonna take them in backyard and feed them to dogs," he claimed. "They scare ‘em, the Iranians scare ‘em, they’re torturers. No wonder the kids are gonna pay attention."

"You're saying they torture their children?" co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle asked.

"Yes," he replied.

He took a moment later in the segment to clarify his earlier claims:

"Let me clarify something here before I get into any trouble here. I'm not apologizing, I'm just clarifying. I thought we were talking about this list of people -- like Nigerians and Iranians -- overseas, not here in the United States. I know a lot of good Nigerians, good Iranians here in the United States. It's overseas that most of the scams happen."

Bob Beckel made more anti-Muslim comments on Tuesday's "The Five" in the wake of the deadly attack on a mall in Kenya.

The panel was discussing the attack by Islamic militants, who opened fire on Westgate mall and killed dozens of people on Saturday. Beckel declared that the Islam is "not the religion of peace," and that Muslims needs to "stand up and say something."
He continued, "I will repeat what I said before: No Muslim students coming here with visas. No more mosques being built here until you stand up and denounce what's happened in the name of your prophet. It is not what your prophet meant as soon as I know. I don't know his mother's name and I don't care. The point is, that the time has come for Muslims in this country and other people in the world to stand up and be counted, and if you can't, you're cowards."

The Fox News host, whose anti-Muslim views are well-known, made similar comments in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings and again in July after a deadly attack on a Nigerian boarding school. He later walked back those comments.

Fox News liberal Bob Beckel had some policy ideas about Muslims on Tuesday's edition of "The Five."

Beckel and his co-hosts were talking about the Boston bombing suspects, who are Muslim. The general consensus seemed to be that, by probing into their lives and their possible motives for the attacks, members of the media were avoiding the main issue.

"You find the big argument, which is Muslim supremacy, isn't that all you need?" Greg Gutfeld asked. "Why do you have to delve into their psychosis?"

"We know that In the Muslim communities around the world, they do not like us," Beckel replied. "They recruit people from poor areas and turn them into terrorists." He didn't say how this thesis was connected to the Tsarnaev brothers, who came legally with their family when they were 9 and 16.

"I think we really have to consider...that we're going to have to cut off Muslim students from coming to this country for some period of time so that we can at least absorb what we've got, look at what we've got and decide whether some of the people here should be sent back home or sent to prison," he continued.

At the end of the show, Beckel issued a clarification of sorts, explaining that, perhaps, young Muslims currently in the US could stay, but that new restrictions should definitely be considered, along with restrictions on Chinese students--who, he said, are sent to America only so that they can learn computers, go back home and "hack us."