
parental rights-1260  06/26   7511  

Now, just a week before Canada Day,   2 very important happenings are propelling me to write this letter to you.

First, directly impacting Albertans is the case of Christian schools being attacked and urged to be reviewed, regarding their rights to stipulate rules of moral conducts in schools.

Second, Christians in Nanaimo, BC, are being banned from using public conference centers and being called names as hate-inciters by the city councillors.


bit by bit in Canada, without most Christians even notice it.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ,


IF YOU HAVE READ THE 2 FOLLOWING MESSAGES,  you will understand why I am so concerned about the perilous situation Christians and churches have to face.   

I know you are all very busy, so I won't keep you for any longer.

But, if you can spare 2 minutes to support a noble, worthy cause for our fellow Christians and God's Kingdom,my purpose of writing this letter has been achieved.


1. respond to the following message from the website of The Real Bigots ;

2. donate $25 to that crucial battle for Christian rights QUICK  [ 40 people doing this will amount to $1000, which is encouraging to our brothers fighting this uphill battle, such as the lawyer John Carpay who devoted his time to this vital cause instead of earning big bucks in other lines of business.

Serving Christ for His Kingdom,

Rev. Wayne Lo,
Executive Director,
Christian Social Concern Fellowship


John Carpay: Religious schools have every legal right to enforce the tenets of their faiths

John Carpay, National Post | June 3, 2014 | 

Justin Trudeau recently suggested that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms prevents Parliament from legislating on abortion. In fact, in the Supreme Court of Canada’s 1988 Morgentaler decision, the justices held that Parliament does have a right to legislate on abortion, even if the perviously existing abortion-regulation regime had been unconstitutional.

In similar fashion, politicians in Alberta have recently claimed that the Charter requires religious schools to abandon policies governing the moral behaviour of teachers and students. Liberal education critic Kent Hehr says that codes of conduct based on a Christian understanding of marriage and sexuality “are not only highly offensive, but they are also blatant violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Alberta Human Rights Act.” Wildrose Opposition Leader Danielle Smith agrees entirely, calling on the PC government to ensure that no publicly funded school in Alberta has any “discriminatory” policies.

This battle cry of “no discrimination” ignores the fact that, under human rights law, schools and other employers can legally discriminate on the basis of religion, disability and other grounds when the job in question so requires. Canada Post can legally refuse to hire a disabled person for mail delivery — but not for office work.  Being able-bodied is a bona fide occupational requirement for the former position, but not the latter.

Alberta parents, all paying education taxes, enjoy more educational choice than parents in any other province. Alberta’s education taxes are spent on a wide range of different school choices, including Catholic, public, private, publicly-funded alternative and “charter” schools, and home-schooling.

A religious school’s behavioural expectations apply only to teachers who voluntarily choose to work at that school

Consistent with their teachings about marriage and sexuality, Alberta’s Catholic and other religious schools have codes of conduct for teachers and students. In some cases, these codes expressly prohibit adultery, pornography, and all sexual activity outside of the marriage between one man and one woman.

When Mr. Hehr and Ms. Smith argue that no teacher should be fired because of sexual orientation, they ignore the fact that schools have codes of conduct, not codes of being. They also ignore the fact that a religious school’s behavioural expectations apply only to teachers who voluntarily choose to work at that school.

Regardless of their sexual orientation, and regardless of their beliefs (religious or otherwise), teachers in Alberta have an abundance of different employment opportunities within a broad range of diverse schools. Why would a teacher who disagrees with the behavioural demands of a particular faith desire to work at a school community that is based on, and strives to live out and practice, that particular faith?

Mr. Hehr and Ms. Smith fail to understand that the Charter does not serve to suppress religious belief, but rather protects its expression

Besides ignoring the legal principle of bona fide occupational requirements, Mr. Hehr and Ms. Smith fail to understand that the Charter does not serve to suppress religious belief, but rather protects its expression. The Alberta Human Rights Act and School Act appropriately respect the Charter value of accommodating religious belief, and in doing so maximize educational choice for parents. Moreover, the Charter does not prevent any province from funding religious schools, and in some provinces the Constitution expresslyrequires this funding.

The Alberta government can listen to Mr. Hehr and Ms. Smith and reduce educational choice for parents, if it wants to. But contrary to these politicians’ claims, this is not required by the Charter or by human rights legislation.

National Post

Calgary lawyer John Carpay is president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (jccf.ca


From: Ezra Levant [mailto:ezra=ezralevant.com@mail143.atl121.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of Ezra Levant
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:33 AM
Subject: URGENT -- Nanaimo city council bans public meeting for being "strongly Christian"

URGENT -- Nanaimo city council bans public meeting for being "strongly Christian" 

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Dear  friends, 

You will be shocked at the anti-Christian bigotry that has taken over the city council of Nanaimo, B.C.

On May 5, those politicians voted 8 to 1 to ban a Christian-themed leadership conference that was scheduled for their city’s convention centre just four days later.

City councilors condemned the event as “hateful”, compared it to the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram, and said the decision to ban the event from public property was no different than if they had voted to ban an organized crime ring, too.

It was vicious. But nothing came close to the vile bigotry spewed at that meaning by Nanaimo councilor Jim Kipp. He didn’t beat around the bush – he was against Christians, especially “strong Christians”. He’s the one who compared them to terrorists and criminals.

You can see the shocking video of the city council for yourself, here.

Fast-forward to 12 minutes into it, to see the barrage. You’ll be disgusted and shocked. One councilor, Bill Bestwick, actually suggested that city hall politicians have the power to interfere with the conference, and literally to black out the simulcast when a Christian pastor was scheduled to speak. Bestwick was very excited about his role as self-appointed religious censor.

The Christian-theme leadership conference and its organizers weren’t even told about the meeting that was being held to denounce them. They weren’t invited to make their case – or even to give basic facts about the conference, to the know-nothing bigots who were denouncing them. The conference – called Leadercast, based in Atlanta, and that was to be simulcast on TV screens in Nanaimo – was the opposite of hateful. It had world-class speakers like former First Lady Laura Bush, and South African Nobel Prize laureate Desmond Tutu.

But the Nanaimo bigots banned it anyway. Their motion couldn’t have been clearer: anyone that these politicians denounced as “divisive” or “hateful” would be banned from renting space at Nanaimo’s convention center: “any events that are associated with organizations or people that promote or have a history of divisiveness, homophobia, or other expressions of hate not be permitted and as such, advise the VICC not to permit in a City owned facility, the upcoming Leadercast event that is scheduled for 2014-MAY-09.”

What irony. It’s the city council that’s divisive. It’s the city council that couldn’t control its hatred of Christians.

We cannot let this stand.

Imagine if it were a Jewish or Muslim or Sikh or Hindu group that was denounced in this vicious manner. It’s impossible to imagine. The media reaction would have been immediate and powerful – and the bigoted councilors would have been forced to resign.

This scandal happened a month ago, and there has been almost no media coverage of it – I only found out about it when a Nanaimo resident e-mailed me to tell me the shocking story.

We’ve got to fight back – not just for the civil rights of Nanaimoites, but to set an example, that this kind of intolerance and anti-Christian discrimination is against Canadian laws and contrary to Canadian values.

Will you help me fight back? Here are four ways:

Watch my Sun News special on these disgraceful councilors. You can see it on YouTube here.Sign the petition to demand Nanaimo reverse its bigoted ruling. We’ll forward your name (but not your e-mail address) to the city.Call up the councilors directly, to tell them how disappointed you are in their anti-Christian discrimination. I think the two most bigoted councilors were Jim Kipp and Bill Bestwick. Their phone numbers and e-mails are publicly listed on Nanaimo’s official website. Tell them how deeply disappointed you are in them for their disgraceful conduct.

Jim Kipp is at (250) 753-5212 and his e-mail is jim.kipp@nanaimo.ca

Bill Bestwick is at (250) 753-7065and his e-mail isbill.bestwick@nanaimo.ca
Tell them that they don’t just have to apologize to the Christians they attacked – but to all Canadians, of any background, for violating our national values of tolerance and plurality

Join the legal defence fund. As you can see in my show last night, I have asked one of Canada’s leading civil liberties lawyers, John Carpay, to help the citizens of Nanaimo fight for justice. I told him I would pledge the first $100 to his legal warchest, and I would try to raise another $5,000 from other Canadians to sue the City of Nanaimo until they did the right thing.

You can help me chip in to John’s legal warchest by making a secure, online donation atwww.TheRealBigots.com, and clicking on the PayPal link.

If you are a citizen of Nanaimo who bought a ticket or were otherwise planning to attend Leaderfest, and had your rights violated by this city council, let me know – just reply to this e-mail – and I’ll pass your name on to John. He told me he’s willing to represent anyone whose rights were violated by these bigots.

I know Nanaimo well – it’s one of my favourite cities. This explosion of rage and anti-Christian bigotry does not represent the city – or Canada.

We’ve got to fight back now. Will you help me?

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. We need to make sure these anti-Christian politicians learn their lesson. We need to show them how wrong they were. We need to take them to court, to teach them, first-hand, that the Charter of Rights guarantees religious equality to everyone – including Christians. That’s why we’ve got to sue them, and not let them off the hook.

Please help me hire John, by clicking the Donate button atwww.TheRealBigots.com. And if you were a victim of these Nanaimo politicians, e-mail me back now, to let me know.

P.P.S. If you prefer to contribute by cheque, please make it payable to:ForCanada.
Mail it to:
351 Queen Street East 
P.O. Box 82581
Toronto, ON, M5A 1T2

Serving Christ together in society,

Rev. Wayne Lo,
Executive Director,
Christian Social Concern Fellowship