
纽约代伟-102179  07/29   5425  

      吉晓玉(上),Duncan Hunter(下)

在6月7日初选中获胜的加州52区共和党籍国会议员侯选人Denise Gitsham-吉晓玉,日前获得毗邻的加州50区国会议员Duncan Hunter-邓肯·亨特的背书支持。

Duncan Hunter今年39岁,出生于圣地亚哥,是四届国会议员。2009年Hunter接任其父亲老Hunter(注:老Hunter相继在三个区任国会议员,2008年曾尝试竞选美国总统)成功当选原52区国会议员。该选区重划后他转至目前的第50区(也包括圣地亚哥一部分)。




Contact: Jason Roe, (800) 916-1770


Congressman Duncan Hunter Endorses 
Denise Gitsham for Congress 

July 26, 2016 (San Diego, Calif.) – Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, who is serving his fourth term and represents portions of East and North San Diego County, has announced his support for Denise Gitsham for Congress.

“With President Obama's second term near its end, it's ever more important that the House not only stay under the leadership of Republicans, but also that San Diegans elect Denise Gitsham to support a bold agenda that continues the work of repairing the economy and strengthening US security,” said Hunter. “Denise has all the right talents and leadership qualities that this country needs. She'll be a strong voice for American workers and she'll be an even stronger advocate for San Diego's diverse interests. I truly look forward to serving with Denise in the House next year and I have no doubt San Diegans recognize the challenges ahead and will send Denise to join the fight for America's future.”

Hunter is senior member of the Armed Services Committee.  He joined the U.S. Marine Corp after 9/11 and served three combat tours, two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.  He is also chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Coast Guard and Maritime Subcommittee, and a member of the Education and Workforce Committee. 

“Duncan Hunter has established himself as a strong voice for our national security and a powerful defender of active duty service members and veterans,” said Gitsham.  “His outspoken leadership is precisely what we need in Washington and I will stand alongside him in facing these challenges, which require principled leadership based on our fundamental belief that the world is safest when America is strong.  I appreciate his support and look forward to joining him in Congress.”

Gitsham is a small business owner and a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center. She was recently named a “Young Gun” by the National Republican Congressional Committee and is one of only eleven candidates to earn that status, which establishes her as one of the top congressional recruits in the nation.