2016 PLAY Annual Essay Contest

天涯游子-1049  07/05   6696  

Hi everyone,

It is that time of the year again for PLAY to hold its Annual Essay Contest. Here is the prompt for the 2016 PLAY Annual Essay Contest, chosen by previous PLAY Presidents Larry Liang and Edward Yu: 

"It's the presidential election of 2016, one of the most exciting and interesting races in recent memory. Your essay prompt this year will be to write an essay about one of the most significant issues which have been debated by the candidates during this election cycle. Here are a selection of five topics if you're not sure where to begin:

Immigration/Border Control
Gun Control
Income Inequality/The Economy
Foreign Policy in the Middle East
Antonin Scalia's Replacement on the Supreme Court

If there are any other issues you can find that are as significant as the ones above, feel free to write about that. Obviously, these are very broad topics, and you can hone in on a more specific issue if you'd like. In addition to providing a nuanced explanation of the topic, please argue for which side of the issue YOU think is most persuasive."

As usual, the evaluation of the essays will be split into 2 categories, one for 6-8th grade, and one for 9-12. Essays must be from 250 to 600 words in English typed. Essays must be original and unpublished and written by one person. Please send in your essays to playclubtimes@gmail.com by August 7th, 2016 with a cover page listing the following required information:

Age Category (High school or Middle school)
Essay Title
Phone Number
Grade (in upcoming school year)
Word Count 

By submitting your essay, you are granting permission for PLAY Times to publish your work. Late submissions will not be considered. Submissions without a cover page and/or not fulfilling the above guidelines will also not be considered. 

All participants will be invited to PLAY's annual dinner gala (location TBD) in late August/early September. The gala will invite community leaders, political leaders, or business leaders to present the award to top winners while all participants will receive a certificate. More information about the awards will be emailed at a later date.

All PLAY members are strongly encouraged to sign up.

Andi Mo
PLAY President
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zQVlLFbnQUAWtMNif161pFCRk6saO4RK8uMP7z8d3w8/viewform?c%3D0%26w%3D1%26usp%3Dmail_form_link&source=gmail&ust=1467822523902000&usg=AFQjCNFj4vClpl_yhap0VT5SUIC7iWFyFg" style="color: rgb(103, 58, 183); vertical-align: middle; font-weight: 500;">2016 PLAY Annual Essay Contest Sign Up
For guidelines, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uKascaopac54QZs7RO2rF6C8w-g112tZgZoxHeBwBYk/edit?usp%3Dsharing&source=gmail&ust=1467822523902000&usg=AFQjCNE-b1oButdG85OI2LSrpxCnaaTF_w" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uKascaopac54QZs7RO2rF6C8w-g112tZgZoxHeBwBYk/edit?usp=sharing