Update: Campaign Against New York State Senate S7738

anonymous-114  06/14   4852  

June 14. The bill S7738 and its sister bill in the Assembly (A9979) are all getting nowhere in Senate and Assembly. For next week, 4 legislative days are left, Monday to Thursday. Because of the lack of political enthusiasm about the bill, and partly because of our voice and opposition (key members now all have the impression that Asian American communities are against this bill or a bill in its current form). We do not expect Albany to pass the two bills, especially not the Senate bill. However, this weekend plus a couple more days in next week will be crucial that this bill and its sister bill in the Assembly will NOT be voted on. Last efforts this weekend!! Last nails in the coffin!! Then we will all be prepared to have a serious debate among ourselves: what is an equatable and fair admissions standard for SHS of New York? - Haipei

You may read S7738 at http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S7738-2013 and
A9979 at http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/A9979-2013.

There are eight SHS - Specialized High Schools - in New York City that has been using one single test score for their admissions since 1971.


纽约州参院Rules Committee在其6月12日的例会上,尚未对S7738做决定。

6月12日(星期四)系州参院本周最后一天工作日。希望大家利用今天(6月13日)及周末的两天加强我们的呼声,动员更多朋友给州参院两位领袖打电话和发Email 反对 S7738。我们近期目标就是彻底阻止将S7738送至参院投票。本期参院还有下周的4个工作日,请大家充分利用这最后的周末,坚持就是胜利!谢谢大家的努力!