
QZ-106155  04/30   6650  


儿子主动聊起今年的大选,他说如果他有选举权他会选John Kasich. 


"Why Kasich?" I asked. 

"He is the only candidate that is Nice, less intimidating. I used to like Ben Carson, then I found out he was lying about his life. I liked Marco Rubio, he is the most handsome one among all of them, but he dropped out. "

He went on: "I consider myself a democrate, because they treat people nicer. "

"Then Why you are not choosing a Democrate to be the President?" I asked. 

"Hillary is just like another Obama, who I don't like. Plus she is a liar. Bernie Sanders is too old, and he doesn't have a good voice". Son replies. 

"But I think Donald Trump and Hillary will be the nominees." He went on. "That made me furious. I cannot choose a liar to be the next president. I cannot choose Donald Trump either. Because my friend told me, if Donald Trump becomes the President, their family is going to move to Canada or Mexico. I hate to lose my friend." 

"If, in the end, you have to choose one to be the president, which one are you going to choose?"

"I will have to choose Donald Trump, because he is going to have John Kasich as his vice president. " He insists: " I will vote for John Kasich, but I can't vote."
