
纽约代伟-102179  03/15   6672  

附@SVCA 致加州议员们的陈情信:

周二下午1:30后(PST),State Assembly High Ed committee 将要投票 AB 1726,说白了这是去年的AB176的更新版,企图分化亚裔,而且只针对亚裔,最终达到SCA 5的目的!!!

Let's act now and tell your assembly representatives to vote NO.

硅谷华人协会SVCA 去年对AB176的分析和statement在此:
AB1726 于3/15日(周二)在high Ed committee投票, 电话应集中在committee member:

电话内容参考:I am a voter from XYZ city. I am calling regarding AB-1726, which is being voted on in the Higher Education Committee today , March 15. (如果想要说为什么,可用下面文字。)

Please vote NO on this bill. We are concerned about the hidden agenda under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. This bill is divisive and unfair by singling out Asian Americans to be stratified. AB-1726 is also unscientific because it confuses ethnicities with national origins. 

Please vote against AB-1726. Thank you!