Please sign up for March 9th community meeting 7-9PM at 1275 N Milpitas Blvd.

Jennifer-1157  02/29   113373  

Hi folks, 

Politics is life! If you try to stay away from politics you will be forgotten by politics! 

For example, our water charges have been increased 65-145%. This is politics or livelihood? We smell the odor for decades and decades more to come if the expansion is approved by SJ commissioners. Is this politics or livelihood? You may think both are livelihood and not politics. The fact is they are politics! 

Therefore I propose a meeting at Milpitas Police Department Community Room ( 1275 N Milpitas Blvd) on March 9th 7:00 -9:00PM.

We have put a lot of efforts to defeat the water rate hike but the council members approved it anyway. To reverse it, we have to do an initiative measure. Martin, Robert, and I have started the process and it is ready to put the petition in circulation. For folks concerned about your water bill hike, please attend the meeting to sign the petition and sign up for volunteering. If you are interested in volunteering, please email me for door knocking materials.

Many folks have doubts about Ro Khanna's intention to put efforts toward our communities' odor problem and stopping  the Newby landfill expansion. Therefore, We have invited Ro Khanna to answer your questions and concerns, and to get to know Ro Khanna what he stands for !

If you really want to solve the odor problem in your life that for decades has been unsolved, then participate in politics. You may find it is the right path to get closer and reach your ultimate goal!

Meanwhile, if SJ commissioners will approve the Newby Landfill Expansion in April or in May, we are planning to use both filing a lawsuit and political pressures against RS!

I know everybody is busy. This year is a crucial  year for residents around Newby Landfill to defeat the landfill expansion or the selection of Milpitas garbage collection or disposal contractors. If we don't keep the opposition Newby expansion as our top priority and let RS's expansion permit get finalized, there will be decades' air pollution for us to suffer.


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