【Special Event】05/18 NY and DC: Gathering and Fundraiser for Senator Ted Lieu --- Historic Opportunity for Our Community

anonymous-114  05/12   6395  

【Special Event】05/18 NY and DC: Gathering and Fundraiser for Senator Ted Lieu --- Historic Opportunity for Our Community

Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10_6bhYwZv3aSAIVN9G8LrPhkGiYXI0bQ6bvxd5jpJkI/viewform?usp=send_form
NY(English Version):http://weidb.com/p3927
DC(English Version):http://weidb.com/p3929
Ted Liu's Civil Rights Records: http://weidb.com/p3930

Every once in a decade, there emerges an opening for a Chinese American candidate to go to Congress. For this election cycle of 2014,

that candidate is California Senator Ted Lieu, a leading candidate in the race!

Ted’s family immigrated from Taiwan. Ever since a child, he would often help out his parents’ small gift store to meet ends meet. As a

bright student, he graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor degree in computer science and then finished his law degree at

Georgetown University. He holds the rank of lieutenant colonel and served four years in the air force as an active duty officer.

Ted ran successfully to become the California state assemblyman in 2005 and in 2011 he was elected as state senator. He is considered one

of those Chinese American elected officials with great political potential and a future leader for our community.

LA Times on April 15, 2014, “State Sen. Ted Lieu, widely viewed as a leading candidate in the crowded race to succeed Rep. Henry Waxman.”

Ted is endorsed by the California Democratic Party. Ted is also widely endorsed or supported by Chinese and other Asian American

communities and political leaders of both parties across the country.

At this critical juncture of our nation, our community is woefully underrepresented in the Congress. Our country needs Asian American’s

voice, vision and political philosophy. Ted has done so much for our community and this country while he has never forgotten his deep

roots in our community. Now is your turn: your support will make sure he will go to Congress!

Seize the moment! And send Ted to Washington DC for our community!

Chinese and Asian American friends of Sen. Ted Lieu in Greater Washington DC and the Greater New York areas are organizing two

meetings/fundraisers for Ted, on May 18. For any information and questions, please contact Haipei Shue at 202-375-1092 Haipei@aol.com or

Bonnie Liao at Ted@yinghua.org 609-575-2187.

Links on the CivilRights WeChat:
Ted Liu's Civil Rights Records: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5NDEwOTIyMA==&mid=200341221&idx=6&sn=62a002f1a4ef3cd1fa14de90a3bae11c#rd