【爱之诗】By Garrison Keillor, 翻译: 雨田

彼岸诗歌-2357  02/15   10138  

By Garrison Keillor

A summer night, and you, and paradise,
So lovely and so full of grace,
Above your head, the universe has hung its lights,
And I reach out my hand to touch your face.

I believe in impulse, in all that is green,
Believe in the foolish vision that comes true,
Believe that all that is essential is unseen,
And for this lifetime I believe in you.

All of the lovers and the love they made:
Nothing that was between them was a mistake.
All that is done for love's sake,
Is not wasted and will never fade.

All who have loved will be forever young and walk in grandeur on a summer night along the avenue.
They live in every song that is sung and every painting of pure light and every Pas De Deux.

O love that shines from every star,
Love reflected in the silver moon;
It is not here, but it's not far.
Not yet, but it will be here soon. 

Garrison Keillor is the host and writer of A Prairie Home Companion and The Writer's Almanac heard on public radio stations across the country. He is the editor of two poetry anthologies, Good Poems and Good Poems for Hard Times, and the author of more than a dozen books, including Lake Wobegon Days, The Book of Guys, Love Me, Homegrown Democrat, and the children's book Daddy's Girl. He was born in Anoka, MN, in 1942, and graduated from the University of Minnesota. He lives in St. Paul with his wife and daughter. He also has two grandsons. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Letters and the Episcopal Church. Garrison Keillor and Robert Altman's film, based on Prairie Home Companion, debuted in 2006.







雨田,七零后,业余诗人,祖籍浙江,现居美国中西部。曾参加写作/编辑/翻译/发表了16本书籍/挂图/中英文论文和影像教学产品、 多与专业有关。近年加盟多个微信诗社、其文学作品散见于《扬子江诗刊》、诗词世界、文学城、与各海外华文网站。

Translator Bio: Yutian, a late 30-something Chinese-American amature poet. Originally from Zhejiang, China, now residing in the Midwest of USA. He has authored, edited, translated, and published 16 books/charts/bilingual peer-reviewed papers and multimedia A/V productions, mostly within the realm of his study. Lately he has been active participating with various WeChat poetry groups. Some of his poems appeared in various published poetry journals including “The Yangtze River - A Journal of Poetry”, The Poetry World, Wenxuecity, and other Chinese websites.

”彼岸”用北美微动博平台,每周向北美 全球朋友推荐优秀诗人的作品。旨在推动诗歌文化在北美, 全球广泛交流和宣传。 所有作品均属原创。尊重原创,若需转发请注明作者和来源。谢谢理解和合作。