去BOE跳舞?闻所未闻啊--密尔本华人春节系列行动 (多图)
李春燕-1142 02/08 21843
作医生,写小品,讲相声,外加扫街拜票,能文能武的密而本华人协会会长游若旭先生,周一晚率大人孩子去Board of Education 拜年,听听这幽默的讲话。
还有更好玩儿的呢。周日华人协会去Cora Hartshorn ArboretumArboretum 舞狮子,做手工。一图抵万言。
还没过瘾,看看我们周六的春晚,义工们忙活几个月,把原来的教会场地换到初中,初中生们布置会场,义工忙前忙后。帅气美丽的四位主持Louie Shen, Vivian Ouyang, Xiaoli Wang and Shijian Li,多才多艺的总监王晓晖,东奔西跑队大人的合唱,各年龄段孩子的精彩表演,商家的赞助抽奖,关键是看着一茬茬孩子们的成长,多开心啊。当地媒体The Alternative Press 主编一篇报道,引起邻居十几个镇编辑的转发。第一次在这样大的场地办晚会已经很棒了,如果有什么希望的话,那是希望以后给孩子们多些讲话的机会,像Livingston Chinese Cultural Day一样由学生做主持,更进一步,让很多孩子轮流主持,介绍节目,即使不都是中文也可以。
为何去Board of Education 跳舞?这是华人协会一系列拜年活动的最后一步,看看上面会长游若旭医生带领协会理事们镇上各机构拜年以及捐款的照片。下面是协会发的信息。
Millburn Short Hills Chinese Association brought some candies to the following places this morning to appreciate their services: Town Hall, library, police department, fire department, middle school and high school. We also made $100 donation each to library, police benefit and fireman benefit organization.
This evening, we are going to bring candies to BOE meeting. And our kids will perform a dancing over there. Please try to be there to support. You don't need stay the whole meeting. Thanks.
转中文学校前校长和董事,社区活跃人物及赞助商张炳湖先生周六春晚后发言:“刚才在晚会上来不及谢谢华人理事会及义工们。 在这里, 我向华人协会的所有理事, 游会长, 以及所有晚会的义工们, 深深一鞠躬。 你们几个月来辛勤的付出换来了今日成功的春节晚会, 一个有4,5百人参加的盛会! 再次谢谢你们! 祝你们新年快乐!”
我在镇微信群和email list上发言留念:“关于TAP春晚的报道我刚发了email,请大家抢红包之余在文章右边Facebook点赞,我也转了Twitter, 刚刚正在我们教育联盟群讲周边两个镇传播文化的例子,咱们多给TAP文章点赞,编辑也会多报道我们的活动。给其他地方也做个例子。几乎每次TAP关于教育等和咱们有关的我都去点赞鼓励。这样吧,谁去点赞,我私信红包。”
https://www.tapinto.net/towns/millburn-slash-short-hills/articles/millburn-township-celebrates-the-year-of-the-monk?fb_action_ids=949698851788131&fb_action_types=og.likesOur celebration is on the front page of TAP site. According to the editor,Please encourage your members to visit the site and view the article. If they sign up for e-news, which they can do directly from the front page, they too will get the article emailed to them and other Millburn/Short Hills news automatically as it happens. It’s also free! We are the most read news source and the only daily newspaper in Millburn/Short Hills. We cover exclusively our township and news that interest our residents. Great for newcomers to know what’s going on in our town.For those who like to get news on their iPhone or mobile devices, please LIKE our FB page and they will get instant notifications.When you get to the actual article, click the photo to enlarge them.https://www.tapinto.net/towns/millburn-slash-short-hills/categories/news/articles/millburn-township-celebrates-the-year-of-the-monk