Call for Volunteers for Catharine Baker’s Call Centers!
SVCA-1029 05/07 6855
Time: Now to 06/03/2014 flexible shift hours
Location 1: 6280 Las Positas Blvd., 203, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Location 2: 2682 Bishop Dr., 112, San Ramon, CA 94583
First time comers: arrive 15 minutes early to get on-site training!
Sign up form:
Please select the suitable date/location tab for you!
Please just go there once you fill out the form. No need to wait for confirmation.
比起扫街,call center是个轻松多了的活. 所有电话信息都存在他们的phone bank里,打完一个就会自动拨打下一个,没人接会自动留言,就按电话显示面板的指示来操作就行了。而且一般打通能说上话的基本都是yes,因为bank里所有都是注册成共和党的选民。