Reflection on Revelation 10

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As Revelation 7 introduces an interlude between the six and seventh seals,  Revelation chapter 10 and 11 record an interlude between the six and seventh trumpets. Chaper 10 is the first part of this interlude.

Despite the severity of the divine judgments, those who survived the disaster of the six trumpet did not repent. They showed no desire to break from the cycle of idolatry and sin that held them firmly in its grip. Yet, the merciful God Almighty held the blow of the seventh trumpet, gave them another time period to repent.

Now John "saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven". This amazing looking angel is robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head like a crown. His face shines like the sun, his legs are like pillars of fire. He is holding a little scroll in his hand. We don't know if this little scroll is the same scroll that only the Lamb was worthy to open or not. But we can be sure that it has God's Word on it.

The mighty angel plants his right foot firmly on the sea, stands his left foot on the land. The earth is made of seas and lands only, so the significance of the angel standing on the sea and the land probably is a hint that the message of the scroll is for the entire world. 

This immense angel's shout is like the roar of a lion. This might suggest the angel speaks with the authority of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. When the angel shouted, "the voices of the seven thunders spoke." John was about to write down the message of these seven thunders, a voice from heaven spoke, "Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down."

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of the law." (Deut. 29:29) God is sovereign in His timing concerning His revelation to us. We are to treasure what God reveals to us in the Bible and live accordingly. We are to trust God with the things that may be incomprehensible to us today. As we look at turmoil in the world or at our home, do we wonder what God's purpose is? God often "seals up" His purpose even as He sealed the seven thunders' words. But God revealed to us His greatest purpose in everything: magnify Himself and His Son, mature us in His Son's  likeness. We all need to keep this in mind, it will help us to deal with difficulties in our life.

Then John saw the angel "raised his right hand to heaven," "swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created" everything. This is the only oath in the book of Revelation, and this solemn oath is in the name of the everlasting God, the Creator of heaven and earth and sea. The angel promises in God's name, "There will be no more delay!" This announcement signals God's time for judgment. We live in the delay, but no more delay.

"But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets." The mystery of God is never a puzzle for us to solve, it has to be revealed to us by God. The day of revelation in full content will soon dawn. The seventh trumpet would announce God's completed purpose to exalt His son above all things because the Son is called the "mystery of God." (Col 2:2,3)

A heavenly voice tells John to take the little scroll from the mighty angel. When John asks the angel for the scroll, he said, "take it and eat it." God's Word is food for our souls. The Lord Jesus Himself is the "Bread of Life." When we take Him into our lives by faith in an absolute and radical way, the result is eternal life. This is a beautiful, sweet, sweet result.

But why did the angel warn John the sweet tasting scroll would turn his stomach sour? The following instruction John receives gives the answer. John was told he "must prophesy  again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings." God's beautiful words of life taste sweet to believers, still offend and judge those who reject them. Because people were not willing to listen, it left the prophet "in bitterness and...deeply distressed."(Eze 3:1-15) But the bitterness and opposition to God's message are not the focus of God's messagers. Our task is the same one which John got, which all God's prophets got: delivery God's message to every nation, tribe, people and language.

John's task is well done. Led by the Spirt, He wrote Revelation for many peoples, nations, languages and kings in ages to read. As you read Revelation, are you filled wih a renewed urgency to tell others of Christ and His coming judgment? How has God called you to share what you hear from Him?

The fist thing they refuse to repent from is their idol worship. The wrong thinking and false worship ruin both individuals and society. The second thing they refuse to repent from is their corruption. They murder, unyieldingly commit themselves to "magic arts". Sexual immorality is common. They are persistent thieves. Rebellion against God ruins spirituality, sexuality and human relationship.

When all God's mercy acts are rejected, nothing left but His judgment.