Storytelling by Karen: Adam

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Parents will never forget the joyful experience of preparing their first child’s baby room. Of course, everything must be perfect and beautiful. Before God created the first person, Adam, He also carefully crafted a wonderful paradise, the Garden of Eden. In the garden that God prepared for mankind, he planted beautiful trees some of which yields delicious fruits. “The fruit of the trees were good for food and pleasing to the eye.” There were four quietly meandering rivers from which a morning mist arose each day that would gently fall upon the dewy ground. God’s garden was always well-watered and in pristine condition.

“God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He created man in His own image, his own likeness, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” God named this man Adam.

I cannot imagine how wonderful this first person was. Surely, as the first human, God created him in the perfect form. Moreover, God taught him as the highest teacher, and cared for him as the most loving parent. No one could match Adam’s education or his upbringing. From astronomy to geometry, from zoology to botany, he had knowledge and deep insights that mankind no longer has. At the time, there was no need for written language, because Adam had a prodigious memory that could store vast quantities of knowledge. We claim that the invention of literacy is a feat of human progress and civilization, but in reality, it is a crutch for our handicapped and deteriorated minds. In other words, whereas we need books and texts to supplement us, Adam did not need. God allowed him to cultivate the garden, not for him to get food—God had already prepared the food for him. God let him work in order to exercise all his abilities, both physical and creative. Faced with an ever changing landscape, and constantly growing creation, he must have been filled with fascination, wonder, and joy. Every breathtaking moment inspired Adam’s various potential to develop. From the bottom of his heart, he praised and marveled at his great Maker.

How intimately close the two must have been! Far better than that of worldly father and son! Their communication was direct. God’s tender care toward Adam was so intricate and comprehensive that He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him.” God understood Adam’s needs at a time when Adam didn’t even know his own needs. And God was more than willing to satisfy them.

Our God has great patience and wisdom. He brought each animal before Adam for him to name. He must have talked to God often and developed an understanding of each animal’s nature. He also understood the authority and responsibility he was given over God’s creation, so that he could select the proper name. While he was naming the pairs of animals, he must have realized that he needed a pairing of his own. He began to desire a matching partner, one of equal status with whom he could communicate. God had long been waiting for this awakening. God prepared Adam’s heart to meet this woman. God also prepared for the woman a man who would receive her with love.

The days of Adam’s celibacy and singlehood were nearly over. God was about to present Adam his bride, whom he was desiring whole-heartedly. Thus, the world’s first wedding was about to start.