共和党参议员领袖Bob Huff支持George Yang参选加州副州长

anonymous-114  05/03   6341  

共和党参议员领袖Bob Huff支持George Yang参选加州副州长

4月30日,George Yang(杨承志)在脸书上向大家宣布:他得到了加州共和党参议员领袖Bob Huff先生的支持。让我们为他喝彩!

在Bob Huff的信中,他表示,George的个人经历和创意将为加州创造更多的就业机会。George的激情和对教育进步的专注,将有助于推动加州教育系统的革新并使得加州的教育再次成为全国的榜样。


I am honored to received the endorsement of Senator Bob Huff, Leader of the Republican Caucus in the California State Senate:

“California faces many challenges, including one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation,” said Senator Huff. “I believe George Yang has the personal experience and fresh ideas to help us create jobs. “With his passion and commitment to educational excellence, he will also be a strong voice to help reform our educational system to once again become the best in the nation.”