Reflection on Revelation 3 #1

Karen-102804  01/13   4592  

Name on the Book of Life
In every county, a register is kept of the names of those born in that county. However, when they died, their names had to be erased from the list.
In Revelation, we learn that God also keeps records, but His "book of life" contains the names of such people as these few Sardians, which will never be erased. 
The LORD says these few Sardians did not soil their clothes, they walked with Him, dressed in white, they are worthy. God says He will never blot out the names of these few Sardians from the book of life.
Despite the large numbers in Sardis church who had been unfaithful, a few had remined true and faithful to the LORD.
What happened to the majority? They were entrapped by false teaching, cultural influence, dangerous compromises, deadly complacency and so on. In the shory term, compromise may make life easier, but the LORD calls you to take the long term view. You can not honor Christ and compromise His Word.
Today, from all kinds of sources, the message we are most likely to hear is one opposes what the Bible says. The culture often presses us to agree with viewpoints that differ from Christ's standard. We face the temptation to compromise faith and practice in hope that the world will accept us or we'll have a easier life. But it is the difference that you demonstrate in obeying Christ that proofs your faithfulness, like the few Sardians did.
The LORD knows every old and new philosophy and life circumstance that challenges your faith. He never simply watches from afar. He orders and enters into the battles you face. He strengthens and corrects you with His Word. The ideas and stresses you face do not surprise Him. He knows what you think and why you think it. He may choose to put you in difficult circumstances, but He never causes needless pain. You are not exempted from suffering, but you are guaranteed to be purified. He committed Himself to you and to your salvation. Do you commit yourself to Him?
If you do, your name will be on the book of life forever, guaranteed by your Redeemer!